March Book Spotlight

Unveiling Sophia:
Heart Wisdom in an
Age of Technology
Paperback Original Price $27
Eternal feminine wisdom synchronizes the human heartbeat with the heartbeat of the universe. The Dalai Lama famously proclaimed that Western Women can save the world. But many modern women are painfully dissociated from Sophia, their inner spring of feminine wisdom and the primal source of their power and nurturance.
Western women from around the globe have deep archetypal roots that have lain dormant after millennia of patriarchal control. Sophia awaits collective rebirth and her portal for rebirth is through the heart.
Sophia, who the ancient Greeks regarded as the goddess of wisdom, represents a threshold through which we can access the deep reserves of archetypal wisdom veiled within our hearts.
“The eternal feminine hithers us on” Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Faust II
To reveal this wisdom, we must open ourselves to methods beyond logos, the masculine principle of logic and structure that underlies the scientific approaches characteristic of our “enlightened” age.
Paradoxically, as we begin to lift Sophia’s veil, we encounter scientific profundity, proving that masculine and feminine are not fundamentally at odds. Sophia does not replace logos but instead offers a balancing perspective, a wisdom beyond sense perceptions.
Praise for Unveiling Sophia
“Taylor’s Sophia is truly a book to be read by medics and psychotherapists as well as anybody with a heart condition. It offers a competent, intelligent, sensitive passage through the quarrels of our time by addressing the complexities of the multiple forms of connection between body and soul that is responsible for heart coherence. Taylor draws upon a wealth of scholarship and clinical experience to capture the essence of what heals, and what kills the human heart. She captures the transcendent dimension that has never been explored with such thought-provoking arguments and elegant style.
After reading this book, the healer as well as the patient will understand why the actual emphasis on diet, medicine, exercise, is radically insufficient to grasp why some hearts heal and some don’t. As many many wisdom traditions have repeatedly taught, the heart has intelligence unknown to the brain; it is urgent that we learn from it.”
-Ginette Paris, Ph.D. author of Depth Psychology after Neuroscience
Table of Contents
- List of Figures
- List of Plates
- Acknowledgements
- Introduction
- Why I Wrote This Book
- Why We Need Sophia Now
- Heart Rate Coherence: The Bridge between Logos and Sophia

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