Creators are wired complexly. In their lightest moments, they are passionate, ambitious, intuitive, and possess a host of other bright qualities. But entrepreneurial spirits are often victim of a darker side of their nature: they are particularly prone to mental health issues, stress-related illness, and other vulnerabilities of mind, body, and spirit. The media has breathlessly chronicled the peaks and valleys of today’s creators—glorifying their strengths and villainizing their weaknesses—not realizing that the light and dark within entrepreneurs are two sides of the same coin. Wired This Way explores why the mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual distress among creators is not an indication of brokenness, but of a rich inner complexity that’s prone to imbalance. A creator’s struggles and strengths are one in the same, and the solution doesn’t come from without, but from within. Using the wisdom of 10 creator archetypes found within the entrepreneurial spirit—the Curious, Sensitive, Ambitious, Disruptive, Empowered, Fiery, Orderly, Charming, Courageous, and Existential Creator—readers will learn how to integrate their light and dark qualities for mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual well-being. Rooted in psychology, neuroscience, mindfulness, and ancient wisdom traditions, Wired This Way is a user’s manual for self-understanding, self-acceptance, and self-care as an entrepreneurial spirit.
Table of Contents
Foreword: Fuel, Fire, or Both? By: Andy Dunn
Introduction: Will the Creators Be All Right?
Part I – The Wiring
1: Potential in Chaos
2: Not So Faulty Wiring
3: Creator, Interrupted
Part II – The Creators
4: The Curious Creator―Openness to Experience
5: The Sensitive Creator―Intuition
6: The Ambitious Creator―Achievement Motivation
7: The Disruptive Creator―Disagreeability
8: The Empowered Creator―Ego
9: The Fiery Creator―Passion
10: The Orderly Creator―Conscientiousness
11: The Charming Creator―Charisma
12: The Courageous Creator―Optimism
13: The Existential Creator―Self–Actualization
Part III – The Way
14: Caring for Complex Wiring
Afterword: Entrepreneurs Are Vulnerable; Buffering Entrepreneurship Benefits Everyone By: Michael A. Freeman MD