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Volume 10 of the Collected Works of Marie-Louise von Franz – The Problem of the Puer Aeternus: Eternal Youth and Creative Spirit

Volume 10 of the Collected Works of Marie-Louise von Franz – The Problem of the Puer Aeternus:  Eternal Youth and Creative Spirit

This powerful, newly translated edition of Marie-Louise von Franz’s groundbreaking work, The Problem of the Puer Aeternus: Eternal Youth and Creative Spirit, delves into the enduring impact of the eternal youth archetype.  As relevant today as when von Franz first delivered the original lectures upon which the book was based, this work confronts society’s ongoing struggle with maturity, urging us to release the “sack of illusions” we carry from childhood into adulthood.


Full Description

This powerful, newly translated edition of Marie-Louise von Franz’s groundbreaking work, The Problem of the Puer Aeternus: Eternal Youth and Creative Spirit, delves into the enduring impact of the eternal youth archetype.  As relevant today as when von Franz first delivered the original lectures upon which the book was based, this work confronts society’s ongoing struggle with maturity, urging us to release the “sack of illusions” we carry from childhood into adulthood. With masterful insight, von Franz strikes a thoughtful balance between shedding these fantasies and guarding against the traps of cynicism. Both a profound mirror and a practical guide, this edition invites readers to examine their own paths, emphasizing the necessity of cultivating a mature identity while preserving the vibrant creativity of youth.

Table of Contents



Part One: ‘The Little Prince’ (Saint-Exupéry)

  1. The Tragic Beginning
  2. The Encounter in the Desert
  3. The Goodbye

Part Two: A Practical Study

  1. Life
  2. The Big Dream

Part Three: ‘The Kingdom without Space’ (Bruno Goetz)

  1. The Boys
  2. The Great Feast
  3. Conflict and Madness




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