By midlife, a woman may have become aware of her own wild, instinctual animal nature. The wild woman archetype within a woman’s psyche is an expression of her innate, soulful essence. By midlife, a woman may become aware of this wild, instinctual animal nature and begin to recognize how socialization, almost from birth, can lead to being overly “civilized.”
That domestication affects how they express their sexuality and conduct relationships. When a woman becomes conscious of the wild woman archetype, she then becomes free to explore sexuality and relationships on her own terms. Paradoxically, the struggles experienced in relationships and with sexuality are often the catalysts that bring her into deeper engagement with psyche and into the realm of the wild woman archetype. This is explored as a process of psychological development that occurs at midlife in relation to Carl Jung’s notion of individuation. The psyche has an impetus towards unification and wholeness—towards becoming an in-divisible whole.
The structure of Tracking the Wild Woman is designed to present a redefinition of the wild woman archetype that focuses on articulating a synthesis of psychological and sexual development. Relationships can serve as the alchemical vessels of a woman’s psychological transformation. Tracking the Wild Woman finds that the paradoxes and impossibilities of love serve to create a more profound woman who is more conscious of the manifold world of unconscious archetypes. It tracks the process of individuation and alchemical transformation through the study of texts, the author’s lived experience, and imaginal ways of knowing, such as dreams, synchronicities, and active imaginations.
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“Stacey Shelby’s book on the archetype of the wild woman is a brave and deeply thoughtful and honest exploration of the complex, mysterious and often troubling interconnections between love, sexuality, and our search for inner wholeness.”
-Christine Downing, author of THE GODDESS
“A soulful work of depth and beauty connecting us to the wildness within.”
-Jan Clanton Collins, Ph.D., Jungian Analyst
“Drawing on an impressive range of sources and moving deftly from one subject area to another, Stacey Shelby writes with courage and insight from her own personal experience, illuminating the challenges facing contemporary women as they seek to recover the lost connection to their inner depths of wildness and integrate this into their lives. Supported by scholarly research, Tracking the Wild Woman Archetype is a deep and thoughtful book about relationships, sexuality, psychology, and growth. Yet its language is engaging and fluid, rendering the mysteries of the psyche more accessible to us all.”
-Keiron Le Grice, Professor of Depth Psychology at Pacifica Graduate Institute, and Author of Several Books, including The Archetypal Cosmos and The Rebirth of the Hero
Table of Contents
Chapter 1 The Base Metal 9
Coexist with Bears 10
The Wild Virgin to The Wild Woman 12
The Goddesses 17
Alchemy 22
Bear 29
Chapter 2 The Wild Woman Archetype 31
Initial View 33
Lions and Tigers and Bears, and a Surfing Yogini 42
Peaks and Vales 50
A New Paradigm 52
Artemis 57
Re-View 64
Chapter 3 Women’s Psychological Development 65
Initial View 70
Individuation 79
Sacred Experience and Suffering 83
Psyche and Eros 87
A Human Ending as a New Beginning 91
Feminine 101
Open to Life 108
Re-View 110
Chapter 4 Relationship 111
Initial View 113
Wild Motherhood, Feminine Feminists, and the Old Paradigm 117
Love as the Alchemical Vessel 120
Personifying and Projections 131
A Circle of Love 139
Re-View 147
Chapter 5 Sexuality 149
Initial View 152
Claiming the Body After Separating 156
Claiming Sexuality 161
Female Phallus 165
Pleasure, Play, Paradox, and Longing 175
Sacred Sexuality 180
Re-View 184
Chapter 6 The Gold 187
The Wild Woman 190
Perfection versus Wholeness 198
Show Up and Surrender 201
Projection 203
Relationship and Sexuality 207
Afterword 211
References 215