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The Collected Writings of Murray Stein: Volume 3 – Transformations

The Collected Writings of Murray Stein: Volume 3 – Transformations

Transformation suggests a profound change in someone’s life, often of a psychological or spiritual nature.  It is the emergence of the Self-Imago through individuation.  In Volume 3, Dr. Stein examines this developmental process on a personal as well as a cultural level.  Great works of transformation are explored, including those of Rembrandt, Picasso, Dante, and Jung.  One’s life arc of transformation through the entire life cycle is scrutinized, particularly in the psychological transformation of men.  Even the God Image transforms over time and can lead to profound meaning in our journey.  The volume concludes with an exploration of Dante’s Divine Comedy and the alchemical transformations found within.

Listen to Murray Stein on The Hidden World of Transformation via Spotify

Listen to Murray Stein on The Hidden World of Transformation via Apple Podcast


Full Description

Dr. Murray Stein’s prolific career has produced a substantial body of writings, lectures, and interviews. His writings, captured in these volumes, span a wide domain of topics including Christianity, individuation, midlife, the practice of analytical psychology, and topics in contemporary society. His deep understanding of analytical psychology is much more than an academic discourse, but rather a deeply personal study of Jung that spans nearly half a century.

Transformation suggests a profound change in someone’s life, often of a psychological or spiritual nature.  It is the emergence of the Self-Imago through individuation.  In Volume 3, Dr. Stein examines this developmental process on a personal as well as a cultural level.  Great works of transformation are explored, including those of Rembrandt, Picasso, Dante, and Jung.  One’s life arc of transformation through the entire life cycle is scrutinized, particularly in the psychological transformation of men.  Even the God Image transforms over time and can lead to profound meaning in our journey.  The volume concludes with an exploration of Dante’s Divine Comedy and the alchemical transformations found within.

Table of Contents

Transformation: Emergence of the Self



  1. Emergence of the Self Imago in Adulthood
  2. The Transformative Image
  3. Transformative Relationships
  4. Three Portraits of Transformation: Rembrandt, Picasso, Jung

Men Under Construction: Psychological Transformations

in the Life of Men



  1. The First Circle: Mother. The Age of the Boy
  2. The Second Circle: Father. The Age of the Son
  3. The Third Circle: Anima. The Age of the Hero
  4. The Fourth Circle: Self. The Age of the Mature Man
  5. The Fifth Circle: God. The Age of the Sage

Concerning the Transformation of God Images


  1. What is a God image?
  2. Why does a God image change?
  3. How do God images change?
  4. What does it mean when a God image changes?

Symbols as Transformers of the Psyche

Dante’s Divine Comedy: A Journey of Transformation



Act 1: The Journey through Hell Nigredo

Act 2: The Journey through Purgatory Albedo

Act 3: The Journey through Heaven Rubedo




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