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The Broken Mirror: Refracted Visions of Ourselves

The Broken Mirror: Refracted Visions of Ourselves

The Broken Mirror: Refracted Visions of Ourselves explores the need to know ourselves more deeply, and the many obstacles that stand in our way. The various chapters illustrate internal obstacles such as intimidation by the magnitude of the project, the readiness to avoid the hard work, and gnawing self-doubt, but also provide tools to strengthen consciousness to take these obstacles on. Additional essays address living in haunted houses, the necessity of failure, and the gift and limits of therapy.



Full Description

The Broken Mirror: Refracted Visions of Ourselves explores the need to know ourselves more deeply, and the many obstacles that stand in our way. The various chapters illustrate internal obstacles such as intimidation by the magnitude of the project, the readiness to avoid the hard work, and gnawing self-doubt, but also provide tools to strengthen consciousness to take these obstacles on. Additional essays address living in haunted houses, the necessity of failure, and the gift and limits of therapy.

Most of all, Hollis addresses the resources we all have within, or can obtain for ourselves, to lead a more abundant life and to step into larger possibilities for our unfolding journeys.


Table of Contents


Chapter One: Fear, Skepticism, Lassitude: The Recovery of an Inner Life

Chapter Two: The Zen Paradox: What You Have Become is Now Your Chief Problem

Chapter Three: Necessary Fictions: Therapy as the Critique of “Stories”

Chapter Four: Down and Out in Zürich: For Those Who Think Becoming a Jungian Analyst is a Cool Thing

Chapter Five: Shipwreck: The Importance of Failure in Our Lives

Chapter Six: Doing Difficult Therapy

Chapter Seven: Living in Haunted Houses: The Latest News from the Madding Crowd Within

Chapter Eight: The Gi􀅌 , and the Limitations, of Therapy

Chapter Nine: Invisible Means of Support: The Theogonies of Stephen Dunn

Chapter Ten: The Resources Within Each of Us

Chapter Eleven: Notes Toward a Personal Memoir

Afterword: On the Matter of Soul


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