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Map of the Soul – Ego: I Am

Map of the Soul – Ego: I Am

In this third book in the series,  Map of the Soul – Ego: I Am, Dr. Murray Stein explores the beginnings of consciousness and the concept of the “I,” as well as the evocative lyrics from the Korean Pop band BTS’s album, Map of the Soul: 7BTS’s album series titled Map of the Soul was largely inspired by Dr. Stein’s presentation of C.G. Jung’s groundbreaking psychological insights.


Full Description

In this third book in the series, Map of the Soul – Ego: I Am, Dr. Murray Stein explores the beginnings of consciousness and the concept of the “I,” as well as the evocative lyrics from the Korean Pop band BTS’s album, Map of the Soul: 7BTS’s album series titled Map of the Soul was largely inspired by Dr. Stein’s presentation of C.G. Jung’s groundbreaking psychological insights.

Ego is the center of consciousness. Yet, “ego can separate itself from the body, and then become a virtual reality in its own right.” This book is an overview of the ego from a Jungian perspective but also is a rich and nuanced examination of how the creative spark can ignite and sustain meaningful psychological growth.

The author and collaborators are deeply indebted to BTS, whose world-wide popularity points to their remarkable ability to tap into universal themes. BTS’s music inspired this work and this introductory series of books may inspire others to explore their inner life.


Table of Contents

  1.  Introduction
  2. BTS and Outro: Ego
  3. A Review of the Map of the Soul
  4. Ego, Consciousness and the “I”
  5. The Ego
  6. Final Thoughts on Ego



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