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Let Your Body Interpret Your Dreams

Let Your Body Interpret Your Dreams

This helpful “how to” book derives questions from many existing theories to aid the dreamer in the process of interpretation. It teaches the reader to recognize certain bodily responses that may hold the key to a breakthrough.


Full Description

Eugene T. Gendlin offers a variation on his famous “focusing” technique for working with one’s own dreams. This helpful “how to” book derives questions from many existing theories to aid the dreamer in the process of interpretation. It teaches the reader to recognize certain bodily responses that may hold the key to a breakthrough.

He implies, rightly, that there are many ways of interpreting dreams, based on various theoretical approaches, each with its own validity. Yet, what really counts is the dreamer’s somatic response to questions raised or interpretations suggested; the body has the answer, preverbally as it were. One can feel the author’s respect for the privacy of the individual and for the message of one’s inner nature. Simply and clearly written, this will be useful both for the lay public and therapists.

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