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Jung`s Red Book for our Time: Searching for Soul under Postmodern Conditions Vol. 2

Jung`s Red Book for our Time: Searching for Soul under Postmodern Conditions Vol. 2

“To give birth to the ancient in a new time is creation,” Jung inscribed in his Red Book. The essays in this volume continue what was begun in Volume 1 of Jung’s Red Book for Our Time: Searching for Soul under Postmodern Conditions by further contextualizing The Red Book culturally and interpreting it for our time. It is significant that this long sequestered work was published during a period in human history marked by disruption, cultural disintegration, broken boundaries, and acute anxiety. The Red Book offers an antidote for this collective illness and can be seen as a link in the aurea catena, the “golden chain” of spiritual wisdom extending down through the ages from biblical times, ancient Greek philosophy, early Christian and Jewish Gnosis, and alchemy. The Red Book is itself a work of creation that gives birth to the old in a new time.

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Full Description

“To give birth to the ancient in a new time is creation,” Jung inscribed in his Red Book. The essays in this volume continue what was begun in Volume 1 of Jung’s Red Book for Our Time: Searching for Soul under Postmodern Conditions by further contextualizing The Red Book culturally and interpreting it for our time. It is significant that this long sequestered work was published during a period in human history marked by disruption, cultural disintegration, broken boundaries, and acute anxiety. The Red Book offers an antidote for this collective illness and can be seen as a link in the aurea catena, the “golden chain” of spiritual wisdom extending down through the ages from biblical times, ancient Greek philosophy, early Christian and Jewish Gnosis, and alchemy. The Red Book is itself a work of creation that gives birth to the old in a new time.

This is the second volume of a three-volume series set up on a global und multicultural level and includes essays from the following distinguished Jungian analysts and scholars:

Murray Stein and Thomas Arzt: Introduction

John Beebe: The Way Cultural Attitudes are Developed in Jung’s Red Book An “Interview”

Kate Burns: Soul’s Desire to become New: Jung’s Journey, Our Initiation

QiRe Ching: Aging with The Red Book

Al Collins: Dreaming The Red Book Onward: What Do the Dead Seek Today?

Lionel Corbett: The Red Book as a Religious Text

John Dourley: Jung, the Nothing and the All

Randy Fertel: Trickster, His Apocalyptic Brother, and a World’s Unmaking: An Archetypal Reading of Donald Trump

Noa Schwartz Feuerstein: India in The Red Book: Overtones and Undertones

Gražina Gudaitė: Integrating Horizontal and Vertical Dimensions of Experience under Postmodern Conditions

Lev Khegai: The Red Book of C.G. Jung and Russian Thought

Günter Langwieler: A Lesson in Peacemaking: The Mystery of Self-Sacrifice in The Red Book

Keiron Le Grice: The Metamorphosis of the Gods: Archetypal Astrology and the Transforma­tion of the God-Image in The Red Book

Ann Chia-Yi Li: The Receptive and the Creative: Jung’s Red Book for Our Time in Light of Daoist Alchemy

Romano Màdera: The Quest for Meaning after God’s Death in an Era of Chaos

Joerg Rasche: On Salome and the Emancipation of Woman in The Red Book

J. Gary Sparks: Abraxas: Then and Now

David Tacey: The Return of the Sacred in an Age of Terror

Ann Belford Ulanov: Blundering into the Work of Redemption


Click Here to Read a Review of Volume 2

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