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The Heart of the Matter

The Heart of the Matter

Christina Becker takes the reader through the philosophical and spiritual aspects of the ethical dimensions of an individual journey toward wholeness.                                


Full Description

The Heart is the meeting place of the individual and the divine—the inner ground of morality, authenticity, and integrity. The process of coming to the Heart and realizing the person we were meant to be is what Carl Jung called “Individuation.” This path to the heart of individuation is full of moral challenges for anyone with the courage to take it up.

Using Jung’s premise—that the main causes of psychological problems are conflicts of conscience—the author takes the reader through the philosophical and spiritual aspects of the ethical dimensions of this individual journey toward wholeness.

This book is a unique contribution to the link between individuation and ethics.

“Reading the Heart of the Matter: Individuation as an Ethical Process was like sitting at a feast, having the opportunity to be fed from many sources.  There is much that feeds us both intellectually and emotionally in this work.  It provides a systematic and scholarly grounding toward the Understanding of the fundamental ethical urge/need within every human being.”-Shirly Halliday, Jungian Analyst

The Heart of the Matter is a thoughtful and thought-provoking work that provides a philosophical and psychological ground upon which archetypal images of the heart dance with conscious and unconscious attitudes, actions, vulnerabilities, oversights, and professional infractions of individuals and the collective.”-Brenda Weinberg, Psychotherapist, Past President of the Canadian Association for Sandplay Therapy

Christina Becker, M.B.A. is a Zurich-trained Jungian Analyst in private practice in Toronto, Ontario Canada.  She is a Diplomate Jungian Analyst and Psychoanalyst from the C.G. Jung Institute in Zurich Switzerland. The Diploma has been rated by UNESCO accredited educational evaluation services as equivalent to a PhD in psychology. It is the only degree that is recognized by the International Association for Analytical Psychology as granting the title of Jungian Analyst. In addition to her Jungian training, she has studied astrology at the Faculty of Astrological Studies in London, England, and with Liz Greene through the Astrodeinst seminars in Zurich. Christina Becker has been in private practice since 2000. Christina Becker received her Bachelor of Fine Arts degree in music composition and has an active interest in sound healing and music. Her post graduate degree was a MBA and she was a successful organizational consultant prior to going into training to become a Jungian Analyst.  Her web page is

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