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Erich Neumann – The Theory: Jungian, Developmental, Relational & Metapsychological

Erich Neumann – The Theory: Jungian, Developmental, Relational & Metapsychological

This book traces the developmental, relational, metapsychological theory that emerges from Erich Neumann’s writings, while considering the influences of his life circumstances and relationship with Jung.


Full Description

This book traces the developmental, relational, metapsychological theory that emerges from Erich Neumann’s writings, while considering the influences of his life circumstances and relationship with Jung. It revisions, reevaluates, and consolidates the emerging theory, in the hope of reviving interest in Neumann’s writings, and indicate his importance as a Jungian theoretician. This manuscript shows that Neumann’s theory effectively supplements Jung’s original writings, and is relevant to both theory and therapeutic practice. It presents Neumann’s formulations of psychological development from birth to the advanced stages of individuation process as a synthesis of his various writings. The books The Origins and History of Consciousness, The Great Mother, Jacob and Esau, Depth Psychology and a New Ethic, and The Child are at the center of focus, supported and amplified by some of Neumann’s metapsychological Eranos articles.

Personally, I am thrilled with Lidar’s enthusiasm and her decision to leap into the task of researching the life and the works of my father, Erich Neumann. My father wrote in high German, and unfortunately a lot of his theories were lost in translation. Lidar took upon herself to explain his theories and make them more accessible. I believe that Lidar’s book will encourage many to delve into the writings of my father and revive interest in his contribution to Analytical Psychology.

For this, I thank her greatly.

Prof. Micha Neumann

Table of Contents

Personal Disclosure

Chapter 1


General Intro

Source Material

Part I

Part II

Erich Neumann: Biographical Background

Erich Neuamann and C.G. Jung – Evolving Relationship

Critic and Support of Neumann’s

A note on Terminology

Part I

Advanced Stages of Individuation

Chapter 2

The Burning Themes: Shadow, Voice, and Earth

Jung, Neumann and the Great Individual

Neumann, a Political, Social and Ecological Activist

Neumann, a Hero’s Journey on the Path of Individuation

Chapter 3

Jacob and Esau – A Story of Individuation


The Framework

Consciousness Levels in Encountering the Shadow

A Biblical Story and the Midrashhim as a Level of Interpretation

The Plot

Neumann’s Analysis of the Biblical Story as an Individuation Path

Jacob and Esau as Opposites

The Shadow

The Scheme and the Flight

Jacob’s Ladder Dream

Reencountering Esau

The Conclusions of Jacob’s Journey

Chapter 4

Attending the Inner Voice – New Ethic

The Background

From Jacob and Esau to New Ethic

The Genesis of New Ethic

The Ape-Man Fantasy

New Ethic

Developmental Clarification

A Brief Description of Lawrence Kohlberg’s Moral Development Theory

Neumann’s Stages of Ethic Development

Primal Unity

Old Ethic


New Ethic

Final Stage: Integrating Evil

Conclusion: Jung’s and Neumann’s Different Approach to Evil

Part II

Early Life Developmental Relational Theory


Chapter 5

Neumann’s Conceptualization and Terminology

Background of Child Analysis in Jungian Theory

Fordham and Neumann, Cain and Abel

An Overview of Neumann’s Contribution

The Archetypal Perspective

The Self: Early Life Aspects


Ego-Self Axis

Centroversion and Automorphism: Functions in Service of the Self

The General Plan

Chapter 6

Primal Relationship

Primal Relationship in General

Biopsychic Importance: A Psychological Pregnancy

The Uroboric Psychological Experience

First Phase of Primal Relationship: Uroboric, Maternal Paradise

Second Phase of the Primal Relationship: Uroboric Great Mother

Disturbed Primal Relationship

Chapter 7

Ego Development Throughout the Primal Relationship

The Stages of Ego Development

Embryonic Ego

Infantile/Childish Ego

Adolescent Ego

Hero Ego

Disturbed Ego Development

Applications and Possible Remedies

Hamaon Neve Tze’elim

Conclusion: A Unifi ed Jungian Early Life Developmental Theory

Chapter 8

Review of Further Psychological Development


From Boy to Man


Separation of the World Parents

The Hero

The Fight for Liberation of the Anima

From Girl to Woman

Self-Conservation in the Maternal Uroboros

Invasion of the Patriarchal Uroboros

Self-Surrender in the Patriarchate

Matriarchal Consciousness

Concluding with Sophia



Appendix I: Consciousness Levels of Humanity’s Encountering the Shadow



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