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DSM-5-TR Insanely Simplified: Unlocking the Spectrums within DSM-5-TR and ICD-10

DSM-5-TR Insanely Simplified: Unlocking the Spectrums within DSM-5-TR and ICD-10

Releasing March 31, 2022

The publication of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual Version 5 (DSM-5, 2013) and the more recent Diagnostic and Statistical Manual Version 5 – Text Revision edition (DSM-5-TR, 2022), together ushered in a major change to the field of mental health diagnosis. DSM-5-TR Insanely Simplified provides a summary of key concepts of the new diagnostic schema introduced in DSM-5 as well as the updated DSM-5-TR. It utilizes a variety of techniques to help clinicians master the new spectrum approach to diagnosis and its complex criteria.


Full Description

The publication of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual Version 5 (DSM-5, 2013) and the more recent Diagnostic and Statistical Manual Version 5 – Text Revision edition (DSM-5-TR, 2022), together ushered in a major change to the field of mental health diagnosis. DSM-5-TR Insanely Simplified provides a summary of key concepts of the new diagnostic schema introduced in DSM-5 as well as the updated DSM-5-TR. It utilizes a variety of techniques to help clinicians master the new spectrum approach to diagnosis and its complex criteria. Cartoons, mnemonic devices, and summary tables allow clinicians and students to quickly grasp and retain broad concepts and subtle nuances related to psychiatric diagnosis. DSM-5-TR Insanely Simplified fosters quick mastery of the most important concepts introduced in DSM-5 and continued in DSM-5-TR, while offering an entirely new way of looking at mental health along a continuum. This new approach goes beyond simply “labeling” clients with various diagnoses, but rather places them along spectrums that range from normal to problematic symptoms. Mental health professionals and laypeople will appreciate the synthesis of deep psychology and modern approaches to the diagnosis of mental illness.

Steven Buser, MD trained in medicine at Duke University and served 12 years as a physician in the U.S. Air Force. He is a graduate of a two-year Clinical Training Program at the C.G. Jung Institute of Chicago and is the co-founder of the Asheville Jung Center. He is board certified in psychiatry as well as addiction medicine.  He has worked for over 30 years as a psychiatrist with a focus on Jungian oriented psychotherapy. He currently works in the field of addiction and serves as Publisher at Chiron Publications.

 Leonard Cruz, MD is the Editor-in-Chief of Chiron Publications and co-founder of the Asheville Jung Center. He holds graduate degrees in medicine and business. With more than 40 years in psychiatric practice, he currently focuses on the treatment of substance use disorders.  He is the Chief Medical Officer of a 72-bed substance abuse hospital.

Luke Sloan was a 5th grade student in Asheville, NC when he completed the illustrations for this book. When he’s not drawing, Luke enjoys playing soccer, reading books, snow-skiing, and just plain having fun!


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