Chiron Holiday Sale!
Shop now for special discounts on these titles, perfect for gift giving!
Sale prices in effect through December 1

Paperback Original Price $24.95
On Sale for $19.95
James Hollis, Ph.D., a Jungian Analyst in Washington, D.C., explores the roadblocks we encounter and our on-going challenge to live our brief journey with as much courage, insight, and resolve as we can bring to the table.

Paperback Original Price $16.95
On Sale for $12.99
Drawing on the Analytical Psychology of Carl Gustav Jung, on the discoveries of modern science, and on mystical traditions from numerous world religions, this book proposes a psychological mysticism that preceded, and now replaces, the historical theological mysticism that has been dependent on theistic images of god. Such images are no longer meaningful for many people – or necessary.

Paperback Original Price $26.00
On Sale for $14.99
Readers today are especially thrilled by the prospect of good news. Drought and global warming, civil war and famine, poverty and economic inequity—yes, bad news abounds. This book by Dr. Stephen Wilkerson, on the other hand, is about hope and optimism for the future. The recorded history of our world is largely one of a sometimes worthy patriarchal striving.
It has, however, all too often been tarnished, marred, and horribly disfigured by the hatreds, intolerance, and destruction that have accompanied it. And the good news? There is another way, poignantly and persuasively outlined nearly two hundred years ago by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, involving the Divine Feminine.

Paperback Original
Price $34.95
On Sale for $16.99
Naming the Gods: Cy Twombly’s PassionatePoiesis concerns itself with the contemporary art work of Cy Twombly and his radically innovative and necessary forms of creating for our times as seen against the deep background of classical Greek mythology.
In particular, the two entwined figures and images of Orpheus, lyre player, lover and journeyer to the underworld, and Dionysos/Bacchus, god of wine, ecstasy and madness, are taken up as the two principal thematic leitmotifs which animate and overarchingly inform Twombly’s entire artistic oeuvre across all the mediums in which he worked, both literally and symbolically, from the early 1950’s until the last series of brilliantly colored paintings he made just before his death in 2011.

Paperback Original Price $27.00
On Sale for $19.99
Around the year 1100 a genius mind—woman or man—created an image, which has not lost its meaning even to this day. It was made by hundreds of busy hands as a colorful goblin most likely used originally for centuries as a canopy in the Romanesque Cathedral of Gerona, North east of Spain. The original tapestry showed all the signs of a mandala: a big circle surrounded by a square with a central symbol and many interesting details. What makes this mandala unique, is the fact that it unites pagan symbols in the form of nature gods (rivers, winds, the year), as well as the genesis of the Jewish Tora (the creation myth), the holy cross of Christianity held by the roman emperor Constantine the Great and according to Muslim tradition the tapestry as a whole and its mandala shape.

Memories of a Vietnam Veteran: What I Have Remembered and What He Could Not Forget
Paperback Original
Price $18.95
On Sale for $9.99
Barbara Child put her heart and soul into a letter to her partner, Alan Morris, while he was at the cottage they shared in Florida and she was away at school in California. He was a Vietnam War veteran, and she was taking a seminary course on war—in particular, the Vietnam War. A little more than two years later, the war finally took its toll on Alan. He put a Colt .45 to his head and pulled the trigger.
That letter led to one thing, then another. Eventually, Barbara began analysis with a
Jungian psychologist and shared the letter with him. She began talking more and more about Alan. She began writing more and more about Alan. From those writings came this book.

Paperback Original Price $19.95
On Sale for $9.99
Wired This Way explores why mental health issues, burnout, and stress-related illness among entrepreneurs are not due to weakness, but to a rich inner complexity that’s prone to imbalance. Using tools of self-study, entrepreneurs can harness all that they are—their light and dark—to create with health and fulfillment.