October Newsletter

Psychedelics and Individuation:
Conversations with Jungian Analysts
December 15-17, 2023
Location: Pacifica Graduate Institute
Pacifica Graduate Institute and the IAAP invite you to an historic conference exploring the place of psychedelics in the practice of Jungian Psychoanalysis.
The use of psychedelics to accomplish breakthroughs in difficult pathologies is now proven. Is it possible for psychedelics to form an adjunct to psychoanalysis in appropriate cases, and if so, where is the fit? Can Jungian Psychoanalysis have a role in establishing the right intention for a psychedelic experience, and to integrate the insights and symbols arising from these agents.
Leslie Stein and Lionel Corbett have edited a book of 17 essays by Jungian Analysts, all of whom have a refined interest in these questions. The book, Psychedelics and Individuation: Essays by Jungian Analysts publishing with Chiron Publications, will be launched at the follow-up conference.
A purpose of the conference is to work toward a protocol to be submitted to the IAAP that offers suggestions on how psychedelics and psychoanalysis can work together. Your attendance, should this be of interest to you, is most welcome.
Registration details are on the conference website. Any questions, please contact Leslie Stein at leslie.stein@sydney.edu.au or Lionel Corbett at lcorbett@pacifica.edu.

Alchemy: Exploring Metaphorical Transformations and Arts-Based Research
November 4-5, 2023
Location: University of Oxford, UK
Online option available
The London Arts-Based Research Centre is delighted to announce the forthcoming Alchemy: Exploring Metaphorical Transformations and Arts-Based Research conference. This transdisciplinary event aims to delve into the intriguing world of alchemy, with a particular focus on its metaphorical function within the realms of creativity and scholarship, specifically through arts-based research.
The conference aims to bring together scholars, researchers, creatives, and graduate students, offering a unique opportunity to explore the profound connections between alchemy, various knowledge disciplines, and the creative expressions of arts-based research. The event seeks to illuminate how alchemy’s metaphors, symbols, and transformative processes have influenced and continue to influence our understanding of the human psyche and creative expression.
Keynote speaker is renowned Jungian/alchemy scholar and Chiron Publication novelist Susan Rowland.

Dark Religion & Conspiracy Theories
Lecture: November 10, 2023
Workshop: November 11, 2023
Location: Boulder Friends of Jung
Are you concerned about the level of conflict in our communities and the spread of (or growing belief in) numerous conspiracy theories?
In his presentation and workshop, Vlado Šolc, co-author of Dark Religion published by Chiron Publications, will explore the psychological dynamics of “dark religion”—what happens when spirituality ignores or separates itself from its own vital roots, leading to religions that by their very nature repress individuation. Groups and individuals overtaken by the unconscious energies of archetypes then are susceptible to all sorts of social ills, conflicts, terrorism, and wars.

New Releases from
Chiron Publications:
Individuation Psychology:
Essays in Honor of Murray Stein
A Festschrift in Honor of
Dr. Stein’s 80th Birthday

The Wizard, the Egg and Fitcher’s Bird: Returning Spiritual Life to Nature in the Individuation of Women

The Lost Coin:
A Memoir of Adoption and Destiny

The Lion Will Become Man:
Alchemy and the Dark Spirit in Nature-A Personal Encounter

Eternal Echoes:
Erich Neumann’s Timeless Relevance to Consciousness, Creativity, and Evil

Coming Soon
The Wise Old Woman Spirit:
Help as a Partnership

Download the Chiron Catalog
for a Complete Listing of Titles