Now Available:
Polly Young-Eisendrath’s Women and Desire:
Beyond Wanting to Be Wanted
Chiron Publications is pleased to announce the publication of Polly Young-Eisendrath’s Women and Desire: Beyond Wanting to Be Wanted.
Second in the series titled Jungianeum: Re-Covered Classics in Analytical Psychology curated by Stefano Carpani, the book was first published by Harmony Books in 1999.
Since then, it has become a classic read for those readers—to use a cinematographic expression—who want to use analytical psychology to shed light on what women want. This book, when first published, was described (and still is) as “provocative and vital.”
More than 20 years after its publication, this book still shows effectively “how to break out of this double bind so that” women “can encounter the challenges of choice and responsibility for our own desires.” The author “wisely uses mythological and personal stories to help us take control of our sexual, relational, material, and spiritual lives.” Therefore, “If you feel confused, resentful, or trapped in a life that does not seem to be fully yours, then you can find a clear path to your true self, once and for all, with the help of Women and Desire.”
Table of Contents
-Chapter 1 Wanting to Be Wanted
-Chapter 2 The Menace of Female Beauty
-Chapter 3 Sex through the Looking Glass
-Chapter 4 Hothouse Mothering & the Divine Child
-Chapter 5 The Material Girl & the Hungry Ghost
-Chapter 6 The Spiritual Problem of Giving Your Self Away
-Chapter 7 The Paradox of Freedom & Desire
Polly Young-Eisendrath, Ph.D., is a psychologist, writer, speaker and Jungian analyst who has published 18 books (translated into 20 languages) including Love Between Equals: Relationship as a Spiritual Path, The Self-Esteem Trap: Raising Confident and Compassionate Kids in an Age of Self-Importance, The Cambridge Companion to Jung and The Present Heart: A Memoir of Love, Loss and Discovery. She maintains a clinical practice in Central Vermont and hosts the podcast Enemies: From War to Wisdom that provides a fresh look at human hostilities and what to do about them. She is a lifelong Buddhist practitioner and a mindfulness teacher.

Also in the Jungianeum: Re-Covered Classics in Analytical Psychology Series: Father-Daughter,
Mother-Son by
Verena Kast
First published by Element Books in 1997, Verena Kast’s Father-Daughter, Mother-Son has become a classic read for those adventuring into Carl Gustav Jung ́s concept of complexes—what they are, how they affect our life and shape our relationships— and for those wanting to understand more about the relationship between fathers and daughters, and mothers and sons—of whatever sex and gender.
This book is not only a must read for psychoanalysts and psychologists, but it is also comprehensible and very useful for those that have little knowledge about this field and those eager to know more about themselves.
About the Curator
Stefano Carpani M.A., M.Phil., (1978) earned a Master of Philosophy and a Master of Arts in sociology from Cambridge University and Manchester (respectively). He graduated in Literature and Philosophy from the Catholic University of Milan. He is a graduate of the C.G. Jung Institute Zürich (CH) and a Ph.D. candidate at the Department of Psychosocial and Psychoanalytical Studies, University of Essex (UK). He works in private practice in Berlin (DE). He is the initiator of the YouTube interview series Breakfast at Küsnacht, which aims to capture the voices of senior Jungians. He is the author of The Consequences of Freedom (in Jungian Perspectives on Indeterminate States: ‘Betwixt and Between’ Borders, Routledge, 2020), and The Numinous and the Fall of the Berlin Wall (unpublished, winner of the Kim Arendt Award 2019). Stefano is also the editor of Breakfast at Küsnacht: Conversations on C.G. Jung and Beyond (Chiron, 2020), and The Plural Turn in Jungian and Post-Jungian Studies: The Work of Andrew Samuels (Routledge).

Other Books by Verena Kast
The Nature of Loving:
Patterns of Human Relationship
Verena Kast discusses close interpersonal relationships, their dynamics and depth dimensions as well as their surface problems from the viewpoint of archetypal patterns. Problems of bonding, of disillusionment, of projection and introjection are carefully discussed. Focusing primarily on the relationship between the sexes, this work also includes much that is relevant to other forms of human intimacy. Myth is brought alive and illuminates the present with the intense light cast by archetypal understandings.

The Creative Leap:
Psychological Transformation through Crisis
Common to many different kinds of crisis is a turning point, where old attitudes and behaviors must make way for change. It is at this moment, signaled by anxiety, even panic, that the creative leap is required.
Verena Kast, in her wonderful narrations of actual case histories, describes the typical psychic background of a crisis, as well as the developmental possibilities contained in them.