The Collected Writings of Murray Stein – Volume 4: The Practice of Jungian Psychoanalysis
Dr. Murray Stein’s prolific career has produced a substantial body of writings, lectures, and interviews. His writings, captured in these volumes, span a wide domain of topics including Christianity, individuation, midlife, the practice of analytical psychology, and topics in contemporary society. His deep understanding of analytical psychology is much more than an academic discourse, but rather a deeply personal study of Jung that spans nearly half a century.
The Practice of Jungian Psychoanalysis is the fourth volume in The Collected Writings of Murray Stein. It is an extraordinarily practical volume, indispensable for Jungian analysts, Jungian psychotherapists or students hoping to sharpen their analytical skills. Topics include the goals of analysis, transference, countertransference, dream interpretation, individuation, active imagination, sibling rivalry and envy, the symbolic attitude, the faith of the analyst, and even the problem of sleepiness during sessions. The volume concludes with Dr. Stein reviewing the “4 Pillars of Jungian psychoanalysis.” Volume 4 is truly the “nuts and bolts” of Jungian analytical practice.

The Collected Writings of Murray Stein – Volume 3: Transformations
Transformation suggests a profound change in someone’s life, often of a psychological or spiritual nature. It is the emergence of the Self-Imago through individuation. In Volume 3, Dr. Stein examines this developmental process on a personal as well as a cultural level. Great works of transformation are explored, including those of Rembrandt, Picasso, Dante, and Jung. One’s life arc of transformation through the entire life cycle is scrutinized, particularly in the psychological transformation of men. Even the God Image transforms over time and can lead to profound meaning in our journey. The volume concludes with an exploration of Dante’s Divine Comedy and the alchemical transformations found within.

The Collected Writings of Murray Stein – Volume 2: Myth and Psychology
Volume 2 looks at Mythology through a Jungian lens. Dr. Stein examines a vast array of mythologic figures. Cronos the devouring Olympian father, Hephaistos with his powerful creativity, and Narcissus with his legendary vanity, are just a few of the archetypal figures he pursues. The passage through midlife and its mythological nuances is portrayed with astute attention to the liminal space it embodies. Mythology is ripe with transformative symbols reaching deep into our unconscious. Dr. Stein masterfully unpacks the archetypal cores from within as he guides us through this transformation.

The Collected Writings of Murray Stein – Volume 1: Individuation
Volume 1 contains one of the core elements of Dr. Stein’s lifelong teaching, namely the concept of individuation. The process of individuation fosters the fulfillment of our unconscious potential as called forth by the archetypal Self. In many ways, it is the meaning of one’s life journey. It encompasses the entire lifetime and includes both our psychosocial as well as spiritual development. Concepts of transformation, failure, midlife, mythological figures, and liminality are central to his writings on individuation. Our journey culminates as we approach alchemical union through the Unus Mundus.
Audiobooks also available at Chiron Publications:


Murray Stein shares these timeless lectures—a work of respectful and loving interpretation. The Bible presents a world elaborated with reference to a specific God image. As the mythographer Karl Kerenyi puts it in writing about the Greek gods and goddesses, every god and every goddess constitutes a world. So it is too with the biblical God, whose name Stein exceptionally capitalizes throughout out of cultural respect. The biblical world is the visionary product of a particular people, the ancient Hebrews and the early Christians, who delved deeply into their God image and pulled from it the multitude of perspectives, rules for life, spiritual practices, and practical implications that all together created the tapestry that we find depicted in the canonical Bible. Yahweh is the heart and soul of this world, its creator, sustainer, and destroyer. The Bible is a dream that tells the story of how this world was brought into being in space and time and what it means.

Robert A. Johnson, best-selling author of He, She, We and other psychology classics, shares a lifetime of insights and experiences in this easy-to-listen-to explanation of psychological projection – seeing traits in others that are, in fact, our own. He masterfully reveals how each of us gives up our inner gold to those whom we idealize or are attracted to. Each one of us must learn the arduous task of “taking back” this gold as we move through life’s journey.
Drawing on early Christianity, medieval alchemy, depth psychology, and the myths of the Flying Dutchman and the Once and Future King, he also explores the subjects of loneliness, fundamentalist religion, and the spiritual dimensions of psychology.
One of the most influential and visionary analysts of his generation, Johnson follows the tradition of Carl Jung and Joseph Campbell among those whose ideas have shaped our deepest metaphors of self and psyche. His books are known worldwide for presenting Jung’s complex theories with the simplicity and grace.

The War of the Gods in Addiction
The War of the Gods in Addiction, based on the correspondence between Bill W., one of the founders of Alcoholics Anonymous, and Swiss psychiatrist, C.G. Jung, proposes an original, groundbreaking, psychodynamic view of addiction. Using insights from Jungian psychology, it demonstrates why the twelve steps of AA really work.
It explores, through theoretical and clinical material, modern and ancient myths, and fairy tales, the crucial process of neutralizing the archetypal shadow / archetypal evil, an aspect of all true addictions. It also explains how dreams may be used in the diagnosis and treatment of addiction. This book bridges the longstanding gap between the mental health and twelve-step recovering communities in ways that significantly encourage mutual understanding and benefit. Previously published by Spring Journal.
David Schoen, LCSW, MSSW, is a Jungian analyst who practices near New Orleans, Louisiana. He lectures and teaches nationally, is an internationally published author on the psychic significance of the hurricane, and a Louisiana poet.

Prisms: Reflections on the Journey We Call Life James Hollis summarizes a lifetime of observing, engaging, and exploring why we are here, in service to what, and what life asks of us. These 11 essays, all written recently, examine how we understand ourselves, and often have to reframe that understanding, the nature and gift of comedy, the imagination, desire, as well as our encounters with narcissism, and aging.

In Hauntings, James Hollis considers how we are all governed by the presence of invisible forms – spirits, ghosts, ancestral and parental influences, inner voices, dreams, impulses, untold stories, complexes, synchronicities, and mysteries – that move through us through history. He offers a way to understand them psychologically, examining the persistence of the past in influencing our present, conscious lives and noting that engagement with mystery is what life asks of each of us. From such engagements, a deeper, more thoughtful, more considered life may come.
James Hollis, Ph.D., a Jungian Analyst in Washington, D.C., explores the roadblocks we encounter and our on-going challenge to live our brief journey with as much courage, insight, and resolve as we can bring to the table.

The Broken Mirror: Refracted Visions of Ourselves
explores the need to know ourselves more deeply, and the many obstacles that stand in our way. The various chapters illustrate internal obstacles such as intimidation by the magnitude of the project, the readiness to avoid the hard work, and gnawing self-doubt, but also provide tools to strengthen consciousness to take these obstacles on. Additional essays address living in haunted houses, the necessity of failure, and the gift and limits of therapy.
Most of all, Hollis addresses the resources we all have within, or can obtain for ourselves, to lead a more abundant life and to step into larger possibilities for our unfolding journeys.
James Hollis, Ph.D. is a Zürich-trained Jungian analyst in private practice in Washington, DC where he lives with his wife Jill, whose art has provided four Chiron covers. The Broken Mirror, his eighteenth book, includes “notes toward a memoir” that illustrates the benefits a review of one’s life may bring the reader.

The Best of James Hollis: Wisdom for the Inner Journey
is a collection of excerpts from the writings of James Hollis, PhD, Jungian psychotherapist and author. These selections span across his body of work from The Middle Passage (1993) to Prisms (2021) organized into different topics ranging from the psychological concepts of Carl Jung to the everyday tasks of our living and callings. Hollis’s wisdom will challenge readers to find their own path, to be who they are called to be, to take the risks to trust their soul, and thus live a life worthy of their unique gifts. Hollis’s writings ask us to live a deeper and more authentic life.
James Hollis, Ph.D. is a Jungian Analyst in private practice in Washington, DC. Originally a Professor of Humanities, he is the former Director of the Houston Jung Center and the Washington, D.C. Jung Society. He is Vice-President emeritus of the Philemon Foundation, author of seventeen books, and a frequent public speaker. He lives with his wife Jill, a retired therapist and painter, and together they have three living children.

Where the Shadows Lie:
A Jungian Interpretation of Tolkien’s
The Lord of the Rings
Where the Shadows Lie takes the reader on a journey through Tolkien’s Middle-earth, following the hobbits, their companions, and the characters they encounter on their quest. Along the way, Skogemann reveals the deep symbolic layers that are the source of joy and enchantment that many find in reading The Lord of the Rings. Aragorn, with the aid of Gandalf, Legoli, and Gimli, ascends to the throne and becomes the center of a great, unified kingdom—a symbol of the collective Self. The four hobbits, representing individual ego-consciousness, are transformed by the quest and acquire the psychological tools they need to renew the Shire—the small domain enfolded in the great.
Jung’s theory of the collective unconscious and the archetypes provide a key to understanding the forces of fantasy that are so powerful in Tolkien’s masterpiece—and thereby a key to understanding ourselves and the events of the outside world in our modern times.

Robert A. Johnson was more than an international best-selling author of 15 books, brilliant and influential Jungian analyst, and acclaimed international lecturer; he was a master storyteller. This audiobook is a direct recording of Robert’s own tellings of these stories, remastered for improved quality. Robert told these stories, his favorites, to an appreciative and revering community each night at Journey into Wholeness events from 1981 to 2001. Robert collected several of these stories in his beloved India, but the audiobook includes stories and myths from Chinese, Native American, Mexican, and European traditions. Each story is introduced by a colleague, mentee, or friend whose life was profoundly changed by the presence and teachings of this wise and other-wordly sage.
Robert taught us we could enjoy a myth or a story as a child would, or we could listen more carefully to discover a road map for our own inner work. Magical, humorous, tragic, enigmatic, these stories illustrate Robert’s capacity to speak to the delights and adversities of the human experience, and to our collective quest to become our most conscious and authentic selves.

Coming Together – Coming Apart:
The Play of Opposites in Love Relationships
Relationships are hard enough to negotiate without advice from outsiders who don’t know you at all. This book is not a “how-to” aimed at attaining the ideal. Rather, it is a how-it-is, an exploration of how relationships are, how they develop, how they deteriorate, how they may end and how they may even revive. Strange as it may seem, it is not a book about how individual human beings are. It doesn’t concern itself with individual human failings. Those failings are given in being human. Instead, it describes the potentials for joy, disappointment and burden that are intrinsic to relationship and by extension to the process of becoming fully human. In a world obsessed with attaining an illusory ideal, becoming fully human is the greatest threat.
John A. Desteian, J.D., L.P., diplomate Jungian psychoanalyst, has been in private practice in Saint Paul since 1983. He is the author of Coming Together, Coming Apart and numerous articles and book reviews, appearing in professional journals and anthologies, which concern interpersonal (object) relations, gender, creativity, and politics.