May Newsletter
Upcoming Events
Receive a 10% Discount for
Ecopoetics and Environmental Artivism
a Transdisciplinary Conference
July 11: In person participation & online
July 12: Fully online
Featuring Susan Rowland &
JLM Morton as keynote speakers
Presented by The London Arts-Based Research Centre
The London Arts-Based Research Centre invites you to the upcoming Eco-Poetics and Environmental Artivism conference. All registrants using the unique code Chiron10 will receive 10% off registration.
Ecopoetics, as well as other types of environmental artivism, attempts to locate us—humans—in the world, with the intention of focusing on ecology (from Greek oikos, or “home” and logos, or “reason”). So environmental aesthetics contemplate the way we exist within this oikos and how this “home” is perceived; they also navigate the borders between human and non-human nature, and how images, places, spaces and memories assist our desire to explore the self in the world. Ecopoetry and environmental artivism in general, therefore, view humanity’s relationship with the planet, instead of merely focusing on the unfolding scenes of nature through different modes of art; thus, they highlight the complexities of our interrelationships within and our responsibilities toward our environment.
Proposals are welcome from scholars, poets, activists and creatives from diverse backgrounds and disciplines (including literary studies, cultural studies, philosophy, environmental studies, and creative writing) whose work engages with ecological themes and environmental concerns in creative expression. The deadline for submitting proposals for presenters is May 12.

Chiron Books by Susan Rowland
The Mary Wandwalker Series

Listen to
Deike Begg, Author of
Synchronicity – The Promise of Coincidence
on the Unwind with Poppy Jamie Podcast
Deike Begg explores synchronicity as signposts and the universe’s call of destiny. She describes in clear language how to recognize a synchronicity.

May Book Spotlight
Map of the Soul – 7:
Persona, Shadow & Ego in the World of BTS

Releasing May 15
Sanctuary: The Inner Life of Home
“This anthology explores our longing for sanctuary and the mythology of home from many viewpoints—a treasure trove of storytelling.”
Jean Shinoda Bolen, M.D.
If you want to get to know someone, listen to their story of home. Intimacy builds as we ask: Where do you come from? What did you leave behind? Where do you feel safe? In Sanctuary, these questions are explored by Jungian analysts, architects and historians, scientists, and storytellers. Contributors also consider how climate change, Black Lives Matter, and an unprecedented wave of global refugees are impacting our notions of home and hospitality.

Coming Soon
Jung and the Epic of Transformation
Volume 1,
Wolfram von Eschenbach’s “Parzival” and the
Grail as Transformation

Varieties of Nothingness

Download the Chiron Catalog
for a Complete Listing of Titles