June Book Spotlight:
The Soul’s Ministrations:
An Imaginal Journey Through Crisis

Paperback Original Price $26.95
On Sale for $16.95
When her husband was diagnosed with a serious brain tumor, Marianne Tauber turned to art—painting and poetry—to cope with the situation. Years later, she explicates what was behind the drive to create, presenting seventeen paintings and poems alongside a narrative of the time of crisis in journal form. She delves into the concepts of Jungian psychology and alchemy to make sense of the images and their healing effect, bringing about an alchemical rebirth.
“This is a gripping and powerful book, catalyzed by crisis and personal tragedy, but born of an imaginative and courageous spirit. Through her meditative discipline, painting, and poetry, Tauber looks unflinchingly into the darkest depths of her soul. Creatively developing an alchemical active imagination, she follows an arduous path, not only to psychological survival, but to redemption, greater wholeness, and wisdom. Replete with archetypal and symbolic amplifications, The Soul’s Ministrations is a significant and scholarly contribution to Jungian literature and a valuable guide to anyone who must struggle with the tragic aspects of life or wishes to learn about the creative depths of the psyche.” —Stanton Marlan, Ph.D., ABPP

Coming Soon from Chiron Publications
The Collected Works of Marie-Louise von Franz
Volume 8
Introduction to the Interpretation of Fairytales
& Animus & Anima in Fairytales

The Collected Writings of Murray Stein: Volume 7 –
The Problem of Evil
Releasing July 1!

Panic Attacks in Pistachio:
A Psychological Detective Story

The Power of Stories: Mythodrama: Conflict Management and Group Psychotherapy with Children and Adolescents Using Stories – ZLS Edition

The Letters of Hope Street

Depth Calls to Depth:
Spiritual Direction and Jungian Psychology in Dialogue

New Releases
Being Found: Healing the Very Young
Through Relationship and Play Therapy
The goal of the therapist is to find the child. When we have found the child, the child has also made an attempt at being seen. So there we are, face to face with the obstacles and disturbances between us.

The Diamond Heart –
Jungian Psychology and the Christian Mystical Tradition
Two towering figures thread their way through this book: St Teresa of Avila, the sixteenth century Spanish Carmelite saint, writer and reformer and C. G. Jung, the founder of modern depth psychology. Through sharing fifteen key papers, chapters and talks written over nearly twenty-five years, the author draws on their writings to focus on, and explore, the interface and relationship between the Christian mystical tradition and Jungian, depth psychology.

DSM-5-TR Insanely Simplified: Unlocking the Spectrums within DSM-5-TR and ICD-10
by Steven Buser & Len Cruz
The publication of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual Version 5 (DSM-5, 2013) and the more recent Diagnostic and Statistical Manual Version 5 – Text Revision edition (DSM-5-TR, 2022), together ushered in a major change to the field of mental health diagnosis. DSM-5-TR Insanely Simplified provides a summary of key concepts of the new diagnostic schema introduced in DSM-5 as well as the updated DSM-5-TR. It utilizes a variety of techniques to help clinicians master the new spectrum approach to diagnosis and its complex criteria.

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