December Book Spotlight:
In Brigid’s Footsteps
The Return of the Divine Feminine

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Hardcover Original Price $34
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In Brigid’s Footsteps: The Return of the Divine Feminine focuses on the Celtic goddess and Christian saint Brigid as an archetype of the Divine Feminine.
Drawing on mythology, history, and transpersonal psychology, the author traces the iconic Brigid’s evolution from incarnation as goddess of wisdom, craft, and healing to embodiment as a saint of Celtic Christianity who served as midwife to Mary at the birth of Jesus.
Part Two explores the suppression of feminine energies in mainstream western culture and the damaging consequences of living in our masculine-biased civilization. The final essays speculate on how the Divine Feminine may influence our masculine-leaning culture during the shift in consciousness Jung referred to as a “changing of the gods,” a time in which Brigid re-emerges as the spirit of liminal times and midwife to the Holy.
Table of Contents
- Introduction
- PART ONE Goddess Quest
- Chapter 1 Finding Brigid
- Chapter 2 The Irish Goddess
- Chapter 3 “The Saint of Their Desire”
- Chapter 4 Brigid and Mary, Co-Mothers of God
- Chapter 5 Bringer of Spring
- PART TWO The Exile of the Goddess & The Unbalancing of Western Civilization
- Chapter 6 The Dragonslayers & The Exile of the Goddess
- Chapter 7 “The Greatest People in Europe”
- Chapter 8 How the Irish Saved Celtic Mythology
- PART THREE The Return of the Goddess & The Age of Aquarius
- Chapter 9 The Return of the Divine Feminine
- Chapter 10 The Aquarian Threshold
- Epilogue Birthing the Divine Self
- Notes
- Bibliography
Praise for In Brigid’s Footsteps: The Return of the Divine Feminine
“The divine feminine has many faces in the great spiritual traditions of humanity. In the Christian world there is none so beautiful and so untameable as Brigid of Kildare. She is returning to us again today because we need her, perhaps like never before. She comes to lead us back into a true dance of the sacred feminine and masculine within us and between us, in our lives and in our world. Only then will we be well.”
-John Philip Newell, author of Sacred Earth, Sacred Soul: Celtic Wisdom for Reawakening to What Our Souls Know and Healing the World
“Continuing the legacy and spirit of her Celtic patron saint, St. Brigid of Kildare, Linda McFadden serves as a modern midwife for the divine feminine that continues its insistent birthing. Writing with the passion of a prophet, the curiosity of a historian, and the eye of a depth psychologist, she challenges both women and men to attend the sacred task of incarnating the archetypal feminine. Readers will be entertained, enlightened, and filled with hope for the beleaguered soul in this threshold time. A wonderful and wonder-filled book.”
-Jerry R. Wright, D.Min., Jungian Analyst, author of A Mystical Path Less Traveled: A Jungian Psychological Perspective
“Linda McFadden invites readers to imagine ‘the energy of the Divine Feminine leading our masculine-leaning culture forward through these unsettled times.’ She chronicles the re-emergence of Brigid—goddess, saint, healer, and ever-deepening archetype in Celtic spirituality. This synergy of Divine essence can lead to an evolution of consciousness for the 21st century in which violence is replaced by generosity and mercy.”
-Dian Neu, D.Min., LGSW, psychotherapist and author, co-founder and co-director of WATER, the Women’s Alliance for Theology, Ethics and Ritual

About the Author
Linda W. McFadden brings to the writing of this book a life-long passion for the Divine Feminine. From childhood roots steeped in bibliocentric Southern Baptist Churches, her spiritual journey has led to the pursuit of interests in Jungian psychology, mythology, and Celtic spirituality, as well as to theological studies and ordained ministry in the United Church of Christ.
Formerly a pastor and teacher of writing, she holds an M.A. from the University of North Carolina and an M.Div. from Pacific School of Religion. She is co-author of More Dumb Things Churches Do (And New Strategies for Avoiding Them). The author met her co-author and husband, Philip Wiehe, while traveling in the Holy Land and the two have since escorted pilgrims to Taize, England, Ireland, Costa Rica, and Iona.

Coming Soon
Psychedelics and Individuation:
Essays by Jungian Analysts
Edited By Leslie Stein & Lionel Corbett

Mind of State
Conversations on the Psychological
Conflicts Stirring US Politics & Society
Edited by Betty Teng, Jonathan Kopp, Thomas Singer

Volume 9 of the Collected Works of
Marie-Louise von Franz
– C.G. Jung His Myth in Our Time

Our Uncertain World:
Challenges and Opportunities in a Dark Time
Edited by Leslie Sawin

New Releases
The Shadow and the Problem of Evil:
Five Examinations
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The Wise Old Woman Spirit:
Help as a Partnership
Open this book and enter the world of eros and, curiously, emptiness—two vital qualities of the Wise Old Woman spirit that can help us survive … possibly even thrive.

The Lost Coin: A Memoir of Adoption and Destiny

Individuation Psychology:
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The Wizard, the Egg and Fitcher’s Bird:
Returning Spiritual Life to Nature
in the Individuation of Women

The Lion Will Become Man:
Alchemy and the Dark Spirit in Nature-
A Personal Encounter

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Consciousness, Creativity, and Evil – ZLS Edition

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