Roula-Maria Dib, PhD, author of Chiron’s Simply Being and director of the London Arts-Based Research Centre, invites you to participate in the
following events:
- “Women Who Create: The Feminine and the Arts” transdisciplinary conference (which will take place both online and at Cambridge University on March 25-26). Proposal deadline has been extended until March 5 for anyone in the Chiron community who may like to participate. All the details can be found at https://labrc.co.uk/2023/01/09/women-who-create-the-feminine-and-the-arts/

Eve Maram discusses
The Schizophrenia Complex
Bridging from personal story to the collective and archetypal, Chiron Publications‘ The Schizophrenia Complex is a ground-breaking account of the feelings and emotions generated by what we call schizophrenia. Also, here is a story about the quintessential power of Eros to constellate hope, even when we are faced with the chaos of the unconscious.

Join Steve Buser
for these in-person von Franz Events
March 18, 2023 | 9 a.m.- 4 p.m.
with the C.G. Jung
Institute of Chicago
and in-person or Zoom in Chapel Hill, North Carolina:
Archetypal Symbols in Fairytales:
Introducing The Collected Works of Marie Von Franz
March 24, 2023 | 7:30 p.m. – 9:30 p.m. EDT
with the C.G. Jung Society of the Triangle
This two-day event will be on Zoom and also in person in Chapel Hill, North Carolina
March 25, 2023 | 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. EDT

At Home With AJA
featuring Chiron Author Henry Abramovich
An online salon hosted by the
Association of Jungian Analysts
Why did Jesus Curse a Fig Tree?
Why did Lot’s wife turn back?
Puzzling moments in the lives of Biblical figures
March 19 | 12 – 2 p.m. GMT
Join Henry Abramovich, author of Chiron’s Why Odysseus Came Home as a Stranger and other Puzzling Moments in the Life of Buddha, Socrates, Jesus, Abraham, and other Great Individuals for this online event.
*Polly Young-Eisendrath, Chiron author of Women and Desire: Beyond Wanting to Be Wanted will be the featured speaker at the May 19 event: From Akron to Bodhgaya: Suffering and Individuation

Coming Soon from Chiron Publications
The Collected Writings of Murray Stein: Volume 5 – Analytical Psychology And Christianity
This volume of the Collected Writings of Murray Stein contains the authors works on the topic of C.G. Jung’s personal relationship to his own religious tradition and his analysis and critique of Christian theology and practice. These were topics that preoccupied Jung’s mind during the entire course of his adulthood. The author argues that Jung’s constructive suggestions can be of assistance to Christianity in the 21st Century and beyond.

Depth Calls to Depth:
Spiritual Direction and Jungian Psychology in Dialogue
Depth Calls to Depth: Jungian Psychology and Spiritual Direction in Dialogue draws on the author’s dual background as a certified Jungian analyst and psychologist as well as a spiritual director with a master’s degree in theology.

Being Found: Healing the Very Young
Through Relationship and Play Therapy
The goal of the therapist is to find the child. When we have found the child, the child has also made an attempt at being seen. So there we are, face to face with the obstacles and disturbances between us.

The Diamond Heart –
Jungian Psychology and the Christian Mystical Tradition
Two towering figures thread their way through this book: St Teresa of Avila, the sixteenth century Spanish Carmelite saint, writer and reformer and C. G. Jung, the founder of modern depth psychology. Through sharing fifteen key papers, chapters and talks written over nearly twenty-five years, the author draws on their writings to focus on, and explore, the interface and relationship between the Christian mystical tradition and Jungian, depth psychology.