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Releasing January 4 Pre-order Today!

Releasing January 4 
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Volume 9 of the 
Collected Works of 
Marie-Louise von Franz


In C.G. Jung: His Myth in Our Time, renowned analytical psychologist Marie-Louise von Franz offers an enlightening journey into the life and works of Carl Gustav Jung, a figure with whom she closely collaborated. 
This newly translated volume is releasing on January 4, 2024, in honor of von Franz’s 109th birthday.
From the pages of Volume 9, von Franz tells us, “As he reads the following pages the reader will notice that Jung’s ideas carry conviction for me. This should not be understood as meaning that I regard them as universally valid, ‘absolute’ scientific truths. However, since my youth, I have myself had inner experiences for which Jung’s discoveries have offered me the most illuminating explanation to date, and I have seen that it is the same with many people. Thus, I am convinced on the one hand that certain background processes in Jung’s life and work parallel those of numerous modern men and women, and on the other hand that Jung’s careful and honest attempt to interpret them leads farther than any other explanation known to me.”
Von Franz, an instrumental figure in the early stages of analytical psychology, paints a vivid portrait of Jung, highlighting his undeniable influence which spans an astonishing array of subjects, extending to psychology, anthropology, art, physics, and more. 
Delving into the intricacies of archetypes, dreams, and the exploration of the unconscious, this book showcases how Jung’s meticulous introspection into his own psyche not only pioneered a deeper understanding of the human mind but also laid a foundation that has continued to inspire others. 
For contemporary readers, scholars, and those intrigued by the depths of the unconscious, von Franz’s tribute to Jung provides a wealth of insights, underscoring the enduring impact and relevance of their combined legacies.
Available in both Paperback & Hardcover


Volume 8 
Introduction to the Interpretation of Fairytales & Animus and Anima in Fairytales 

Marie-Louise von Franz believed fairytales to be the purest and simplest expressions of the collective unconscious. Too often the interpreter regresses to a personalized approach, however, heroes and heroines are abstractions that embody collective archetypes. The innumerable variations within the same fairytale told in different cultures are like a musical theme crisscrossing humanity. In Volume 8, von Franz establishes that there is only one psychic fact to which the fairytale addresses itself, namely, the SELF.

Some fairytales emphasize the beginning phases of this experience by dwelling on the shadow, others draw attention to the anima and animus, while still others hint at the unobtainable treasure. This volume contains new and updated translations of The Interpretation of Fairytales along with Anima and Animus in Fairytales and combines them into a single volume, clarifying the Jungian approach to interpreting fairytales and offering a deep dive into anima and animus.

The anima and the animus deliver to consciousness the “life-affirming fruit.” Individuation requires engagement with these contra-sexual archetypes, but von Franz observes that “Anima and animus are not always happy to have this relationship—they lose part of their power when they are made conscious.” She further warns of the inflation resulting from possession by them and points out that the animus “loves to create an atmosphere of mist in which nobody can find orientation.” These are supra-personal elements of psychic life capable of breaking beyond the tendency of consciousness to become one-sided. This second section of Volume 8 provides an insightful explanation of a woman’s encounter with her animus and a man’s encounter with his anima.

Volume 7
Aurora Consurgens

Aurora Consurgens, the rising sun, is a vision forged in the pseudo-Aristotelian tradition that became a cornerstone of medieval Church doctrine and the centerpiece of the Dominican and Franciscan traditions. While its authorship has been shrouded in mystery and controversy, Marie Louise von Franz furnishes ample evidence that this was a final work of Thomas Aquinas, a Doctor of the Church. His vision begins with an anima figure of the Sapentia Dei.

This medieval alchemical text is rich in symbolism and offers a glimpse into how unconscious contents can be understood through their interactions with the material world. Marie Louise von Franz places Aurora Consurgens squarely in the tradition of visionary spiritual writings similar to the visions of Hildegard von Bingen or John of Patmos. Aquinas’s visions and his final commentary on the Song of Songs appear to have been the result of a state of ecstasy into which he fell just before his death. Marie Louise von Franz excavates a psychological treasure from his work.

Volume 6
Niklaus Von Flüe And Saint Perpetua: A Psychological Interpretation of Their Visions

Saint Niklaus von Flüe, the patron saint of Switzerland, was held in the highest esteem by both CG Jung and Marie-Louise von Franz. Jung even declared him the Patron Saint of Psychotherapy, due to the Saint’s deep inward reflections and profound experiences. His visions reportedly began while still in his mother’s womb and continued until his death. One of his later visions was a terrifying image of the face of God. Von Franz saw Niklaus as the shadow brother of Christ and wrote of him as the alchemical Anthropos, a universal man. His visions were an evolution of Christian mysticism.

Saint Perpetua was a young Christian woman put to death in 203 AD in the Roman arena at the age of 22. Her profound visions occurred days before her death. Von Franz penetrates these images, suggesting they were revelations of a new, Christian God-image breaking through from the collective unconscious into the animus of young Perpetua.

Marie-Louise von Franz is at her very best as she unravels the mysteries held within the visions of these two saints.

Volume 3 
The Maiden’s Quest

Volume 3 turns to the Maiden’s Quest within fairytales.

The maiden/heroine navigates a complicated maze of inner and outer relationships as she builds a bridge to the unconscious. The heroine contends with the animus in many forms like a devouring and incestuous father, demonic groom, the beautiful prince, an androgenous mother, a cold dark tower, and through conflict with the evil stepmother.

Dangers and pitfalls await her as the conscious feminine strives to make connections with the unconscious masculine. The maiden is the undeveloped feminine and the promised fruit of her struggle with the animus is the coniunctio. Volume 3 is a masterwork of cross-cultural scholarship, penetrating psychological insight, and a strikingly illuminating treatise. With her usual perspicacity and thoroughness, von Franz gathers countless fairytale motifs revealing a myriad of facets to the maiden’s quest.

Volume 2 – 
The Hero’s Journey
Volume 2 – The Hero’s Journey is about the great adventure that leads to a cherished and difficult to obtain prize. In these fairytales, the Self is often symbolized as that treasured prize and the hero’s travails symbolize the process of individuation. In its many manifestations, the hero embodies the emerging personality. “In the conscious world, the hero is only one part of the personality—the despised part—and through his attachment to the Self in the unconscious is a symbol of the whole personality.”

Von Franz’s prodigious knowledge of fairytales from around the world demonstrates that the fairytale draws its root moisture from the collective realm. This volume continues where Volume 1 left off as von Franz describes the fairytale, “suspended between the divine and the secular worlds (…) creating a mysterious and pregnant tension that requires extreme power to withstand.” The resistance of the great mother against the hero and his humble origins, as well as the hero freeing the anima figure from the clutches of the unconscious are universal archetypal patterns. The spoils retrieved by the hero symbolize new levels of consciousness wrested from the unconscious.

Volume 1 – 
The Profane and Magical Worlds
Volume 1 – Fairytales, like myths, provide a cultural and societal backdrop that helps the human imagination narrate the meaning of life’s events. The remarkable similarities in fairytale motifs across different lands and cultures inspired many scholars to search for the original homeland of fairytales. While peregrinations of fairytale motifs occur, the common root of fairytales is more archetypal than geographic. A striking feature of fairytales is that a sense of space, time, and causality is absent. This situates them in a magical realm, a land of the soul, where the most interesting things happen in the center of places like Heaven, mountains, lakes, and wells.

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December Book Spotlight: In Brigid’s Footsteps – The Return of the Divine Feminine

December Book Spotlight:
In Brigid’s Footsteps
 The Return of the Divine Feminine

Paperback Original Price $24.95
On Sale for $17
Hardcover Original Price $34
On Sale for $24
In Brigid’s Footsteps: The Return of the Divine Feminine focuses on the Celtic goddess and Christian saint Brigid as an archetype of the Divine Feminine. 
Drawing on mythology, history, and transpersonal psychology, the author traces the iconic Brigid’s evolution from incarnation as goddess of wisdom, craft, and healing to embodiment as a saint of Celtic Christianity who served as midwife to Mary at the birth of Jesus. 
Part Two explores the suppression of feminine energies in mainstream western culture and the damaging consequences of living in our masculine-biased civilization. The final essays speculate on how the Divine Feminine may influence our masculine-leaning culture during the shift in consciousness Jung referred to as a “changing of the gods,” a time in which Brigid re-emerges as the spirit of liminal times and midwife to the Holy.
Table of Contents


  • Introduction
  • PART ONE Goddess Quest
  • Chapter 1 Finding Brigid
  • Chapter 2 The Irish Goddess
  • Chapter 3 “The Saint of Their Desire”
  • Chapter 4 Brigid and Mary, Co-Mothers of God
  • Chapter 5 Bringer of Spring
  • PART TWO The Exile of the Goddess & The Unbalancing of Western Civilization
  • Chapter 6 The Dragonslayers & The Exile of the Goddess
  • Chapter 7 “The Greatest People in Europe”
  • Chapter 8 How the Irish Saved Celtic Mythology
  • PART THREE The Return of the Goddess & The Age of Aquarius
  • Chapter 9 The Return of the Divine Feminine
  • Chapter 10 The Aquarian Threshold
  • Epilogue Birthing the Divine Self
  • Notes
  • Bibliography
Praise for In Brigid’s Footsteps: The Return of the Divine Feminine

“The divine feminine has many faces in the great spiritual traditions of humanity. In the Christian world there is none so beautiful and so untameable as Brigid of Kildare. She is returning to us again today because we need her, perhaps like never before. She comes to lead us back into a true dance of the sacred feminine and masculine within us and between us, in our lives and in our world. Only then will we be well.”
-John Philip Newell, author of Sacred Earth, Sacred Soul: Celtic Wisdom for Reawakening to What Our Souls Know and Healing the World

“Continuing the legacy and spirit of her Celtic patron saint, St. Brigid of Kildare, Linda McFadden serves as a modern midwife for the divine feminine that continues its insistent birthing. Writing with the passion of a prophet, the curiosity of a historian, and the eye of a depth psychologist, she challenges both women and men to attend the sacred task of incarnating the archetypal feminine. Readers will be entertained, enlightened, and filled with hope for the beleaguered soul in this threshold time. A wonderful and wonder-filled book.”
-Jerry R. Wright, D.Min., Jungian Analyst, author of A Mystical Path Less Traveled: A Jungian Psychological Perspective

“Linda McFadden invites readers to imagine ‘the energy of the Divine Feminine leading our masculine-leaning culture forward through these unsettled times.’ She chronicles the re-emergence of Brigid—goddess, saint, healer, and ever-deepening archetype in Celtic spirituality. This synergy of Divine essence can lead to an evolution of consciousness for the 21st century in which violence is replaced by generosity and mercy.”
-Dian Neu, D.Min., LGSW, psychotherapist and author, co-founder and co-director of WATER, the Women’s Alliance for Theology, Ethics and Ritual

About the Author
Linda W. McFadden brings to the writing of this book a life-long passion for the Divine Feminine. From childhood roots steeped in bibliocentric Southern Baptist Churches, her spiritual journey has led to the pursuit of interests in Jungian psychology, mythology, and Celtic spirituality, as well as to theological studies and ordained ministry in the United Church of Christ. 
Formerly a pastor and teacher of writing, she holds an M.A. from the University of North Carolina and an M.Div. from Pacific School of Religion. She is co-author of More Dumb Things Churches Do (And New Strategies for Avoiding Them). The author met her co-author and husband, Philip Wiehe, while traveling in the Holy Land and the two have since escorted pilgrims to Taize, England, Ireland, Costa Rica, and Iona. 

Coming Soon
Psychedelics and Individuation: 
Essays by Jungian Analysts
Edited By Leslie Stein & Lionel Corbett

Mind of State
Conversations on the Psychological 
Conflicts Stirring US Politics & Society
Edited by Betty Teng, Jonathan Kopp, Thomas Singer

Volume 9 of the Collected Works of 
Marie-Louise von Franz 
– C.G. Jung His Myth in Our Time

Our Uncertain World: 
Challenges and Opportunities in a Dark Time
Edited by Leslie Sawin

New Releases
The Shadow and the Problem of Evil: 
Five Examinations
Edited by Murray Stein

The Wise Old Woman Spirit: 
Help as a Partnership
Open this book and enter the world of eros and, curiously, emptiness—two vital qualities of the Wise Old Woman spirit that can help us survive … possibly even thrive.

The Lost Coin: A Memoir of Adoption and Destiny

Individuation Psychology: 
Essays in Honor of Murray Stein

The Wizard, the Egg and Fitcher’s Bird: 
Returning Spiritual Life to Nature 
in the Individuation of Women

The Lion Will Become Man: 
Alchemy and the Dark Spirit in Nature-
A Personal Encounter 

Eternal Echoes: 
Erich Neumann’s Timeless Relevance to 
Consciousness, Creativity, and Evil – ZLS Edition

Download the Chiron Catalog 
for a Complete Listing of Titles

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The Collected Works of Marie-Louise von Franz
The Collected Works of 
Marie-Louise von Franz is a 28-volume Magnum Opus from one of the leading minds in Jungian Psychology. 
Pre-order your copy of 
Volume 9 of the Collected Works of Marie-Louise von Franz – 
C.G. Jung His Myth in Our Time
Releasing January 4

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The Collected Writings of Murray Stein

Dr. Murray Stein’s prolific career has produced a substantial body of writings, lectures, and interviews. His writings, captured in these volumes, span a wide domain of topics that include writings on Christianity, Individuation, Mid-life, the practice of Analytical Psychology, and topics in contemporary society. His deep understanding of Analytical Psychology is much more than an academic discourse, but rather a deeply personal study of Jung that spans nearly half a century.

The Best of James Hollis
The Best of James Hollis: Wisdom for the Inner Journey is a collection of excerpts from the writings of James Hollis, PhD, Jungian psychotherapist and author. 
These selections, compiled by editor Logan Jones, span across his body of work from The Middle Passage (1993) to Prisms (2021) organized into different topics ranging from the psychological concepts of Carl Jung to the everyday tasks of our living and callings.

Psychedelics and Individuation: Essays by Jungian Analysts
Are we entering into a brave new world of psychedelic-assisted psychotherapy that will radically affect the way we understand the unconscious, or are we chasing a will-o-the wisp, an illusory promise of rapid success without the painstaking work required of careful psychoanalysis?
This book of essays by Jungian analysts entertains this question in detail. Based on extensive clinical and personal experience of the place of psychedelic agents in psychotherapy, the contributors debate the issues and try to clarify the correct use of these compounds, without either idealizing their use or dismissing them as artificial substitutes for the real thing.

Mind of State: 
Conversations on the Psychological Conflicts Stirring 
U.S. Politics & Society
Releasing December 1

This compilation of conversations helps fit together the broken pieces of our American psycho-political jigsaw puzzle.

These nuanced discussions offer insights and reflections from leading experts – on psychology, politics, race, religion and more – to those of us struggling to make sense our American political nonsense.

Drawn from the Mind of State podcast created by some of the co-authors and contributors to the New York Times bestseller, The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump, this collection is as relevant now as it was when Apple Podcasts featured it as “New and Noteworthy” in 2019.

DSM-5-TR Insanely Simplified: Unlocking the Spectrums within DSM-5-TR and ICD-10
The publication of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual Version 5 (DSM-5, 2013) and the more recent Diagnostic and Statistical Manual Version 5 – Text Revision edition (DSM-5-TR, 2022), together ushered in a major change to the field of mental health diagnosis. DSM-5-TR Insanely Simplified provides a summary of key concepts of the new diagnostic schema introduced in DSM-5 as well as the updated DSM-5-TR. It utilizes a variety of techniques to help clinicians master the new spectrum approach to diagnosis and its complex criteria.

The Wise Old Woman Spirit: 
Help as a Partnership
Featuring Emma Jung as the quintessential example of the Wise Old Woman spirit and enriched by dreams of the Wise Old Woman from around the world, this book provides scholarly, experiential and life-affirming inspiration!

The Lost Coin: 
A Memoir of Adoption and Destiny
As we accompany Stephen Rowley on this adventurous and reflective journey, we come to understand more deeply the trauma engendered when separating mother from child, and the unspoken restlessness and yearning for connection many adoptees feel.

The Lion Will Become Man: Alchemy and the Dark Spirit in Nature—A Personal Encounter
In this compelling psychological memoir, Keiron Le Grice, the 2023 Zurich Lecture Series’ speaker, details his experience of a profound transformative crisis between 2001 and 2004. He explains how, by a sustained investigation of the root causes of his condition, he was eventually able to overcome the crisis, guided by instructive dreams and startling coincidences, illuminated by a series of symbolic paintings, and aided by his serendipitous discovery of the Gnostic text The Gospel of Thomas.

Eternal Echoes: 
Erich Neumann’s Timeless Relevance to Consciousness, Creativity, and Evil
Eternal Echoes, Volume 10 of the Zürich Lecture Series, offers the reader an overview of Erich Neumann’s opus, which is large and multifaceted. Beginning with an introduction of Erich Neumann including a series of his active imagination watercolors, we see an intimate view into his internal process. The Jung-Neumann Correspondence examines evil as witnessed during WW11. The work Neumann focused on during this period resulted in his exploration of his own Roots of Jewish Consciousness, both Revelation and Apocalypse, and Hasidism.

The Shadow And 
The Problem Of Evil: 
Five Examinations
A captivating and thought-provoking journey into the hidden recesses of the human psyche. Through a Jungian perspective, it offers insights into the nature of evil, the symbols that represent our shadows, and the profound impact of these hidden aspects on society and our ethical choices. It’s a must-read for those seeking a deeper understanding of the human condition and the challenges we face in the modern world.

The Letters of Hope Street

What if a spirit from your past could guide you into your future? Beautifully illustrated, The Letters of Hope Street hints at how synchronicity occurs at just the right time to nudge us into our future.

Individuation Psychology: Essays in Honor of Murray Stein

This Festschrift celebrates Murray Stein, a man whose life and influence within Analytical Psychology has spanned several continents, wildly different cultures, several sweeping societal shifts, and now enters his ninth decade. He was forged in an American crucible, strengthened in Europe, and eventually matured into a world-wide phenomenon.

The Sacred Well Murders
The First Book in 
Author Susan Rowland’s 
Mystery Series!

A simple job turns deadly when Mary Wandwalker, novice detective, is hired to chaperone a young American, Rhiannon, to the Oxford University Summer School on the ancient Celts. Worried by a rhetoric of blood sacrifice, Mary and her operatives, Caroline, and Anna, attend a sacrifice at a sacred well. They discover that those who fail to individuate their gods become possessed by them.

Also available The Alchemy Fire Murder – Second in the Mary Wandwalker Series

The Power of Stories: Mythodrama: Conflict Management and Group Psychotherapy with Children and 
Adolescents Using Stories
In this book—Volume 7 of the Zürich Lecture Series—a therapeutic method and conflict management approach is presented, which is successfully employed in group work with children and adolescents in despair or in a conflict situation. Mythodramas main focus are specially selected stories, which mirror the issues of the respective group, connect to the issues of the group, and serve as an entrance to the imaginal. The book describes how the stories are selected, told, enacted, and linked to the issues and concerns of the group or individual.

Our Uncertain World: 
Challenges and Opportunities 
in a Dark Time
Releasing December 1
We live in times of uncertainty and anxiety. In these times, how can we best navigate our unknowns? Our Uncertain World answers that question through a Jungian prism. Carl Jung’s theory has helped many people navigate difficult times. Jungian perspectives facilitate such challenging navigation by not simplifying complexity, but rather by finding the meaningful through-lines that guide the individual toward individuation even in the darkest of times. Using Jung’s unique multi-dimensional approach, this book offers insights and provides answers to questions about life in a state of three-dimensional flux.

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The Wise Old Woman Spirit: Help as a Partnership

The Wise Old Woman Spirit: 
Help as a Partnership
by Susan K. Faron
Open this book and enter the world of eros and, curiously, emptiness—two vital qualities of the Wise Old Woman spirit that can help us survive … possibly even thrive. 
Through the human imagination and dreams, the Wise Old Woman spirit offers a kind of collaboration and partnership involving a very real intimacy and immediacy while preserving our conscious gains. Although the Wise Old Woman spirit has appeared with many names and in multiple forms, this discovery is specifically born of Jung’s work on the archetype of the Wise Old Man. 
The Wise Old Woman spirit has emerged as a wisdom figure of her own in the ground-breaking research Dr. Faron has conducted. Not a goddess, nor worshipped, the feminine wisdom figure is nevertheless divine, born out of each individual psyche—man or woman—and functions as a psychological and individual reality. 
Featuring Emma Jung as the quintessential example of the Wise Old Woman spirit and enriched by dreams of the Wise Old Woman from around the world, this book provides scholarly, experiential and life-affirming inspiration!
Praise for The Wise Old Woman Spirit

“Susan’s book is a lifetime’s work, and one of great achievement. She explores and clarifies the intuitive work of Dr. Carl Jung, who had realized the power of love, and the damaging effect of the oppression of the feminine in our modern one-sided world. Susan’s book shines with warmth, lyricism, and the clarity of her writing. This is a work from a truly feminine mind and soul and adds to the few works that come from such a genuine and differentiated place of eros—including her gentle caveat that we need relationship with our inner Wise Old Woman if we are ever to reconnect to the life-affirming aspects of life, nature, and love.”
-Jacquie Flecknoe-Brown, Jungian analyst and author of The Dreamer’s Odyssey

“What is feminine wisdom? Why is it important? How can we access it? In this decidedly original opus, Dr. Faron teaches us these things, citing the work of C.G. Jung and others, as well as the life of Emma Jung as a penultimate example of such wisdom. She also shares her own experiences of the Wise Old Woman spirit and numerous illustrative dreams she collected from all over the world. There’s a great deal to be learned from this book. I highly recommend it!”
-Gary Toub, Ph.D., Diplomate Jungian analyst and psychologist, Senior Training Analyst and Past President and Training Director, C. G. Jung Institute of Colorado

“In The Wise Old Woman Spirit: Help as a Partnership, Dr. Faron looks closely at a particular kind of healing—one that includes the whole psyche of the individual. In the same way that Jung looked at healing of his own soul and found the guidance of his inner Wise Old Man, Dr. Faron highlights our critical need for a more complete integration of the feminine function, namely, the qualities of the archetype of the Wise Old Woman. Her writing is intimate and light-hearted as well as insightful and thought provoking. With her close commentary of fairy tales, an interview with Andreas Jung about his grandmother, Emma, revelations by Lockhart, von-Franz, and Jung as well as dreams from around the world, Dr. Faron’s profound book reveals the eros and emptiness essential to the Wise Old Woman, the very qualities needed in the world today.”
-Marie Newton, Author of Dizzy and the Dreams and The Letters of Hope Street

“Susan Faron presents a book about the Wise Old Woman, ‘and she is eternal’—truly an adventurous undertaking. But the author is guided, encouraged, and supported by many dreams. She spans the arc of amplifications over great historic and prehistoric periods, across diverse cultures, myths, and fairy tales. And she finds in the life of Emma Jung-Rauschenbach, the wife of C.G. Jung, an impressive example of the effects of the Wise Old Woman spirit. Susan Faron’s book is not only an intellectual comment but written with compassion and fills a gap in the wide spectrum of works on basic archetypal symbolism.”
-Hansueli F. Etter, PhD, long-time colleague of M. L. von Franz; president of the Foundation for Jungian Psychology, Küsnacht, Switzerland; and Diplomate Jungian Analyst, lecturer, and author
Table of Contents
  • Acknowledgments
  • List of Illustrations
  • Preface
  • Chapter 1: Introduction to the Wisdom of the Old Woman’s Spirit
  • Chapter 2: Manifestations of the Feminine Divine
  • Chapter 3: Circumambulating Eros
  • Chapter 4: The Great Feminine Secret—Emptiness 
  • Chapter 5: Colorful Images of the Wise Old Woman Spirit from the Life of Emma Jung
  • Chapter 6: Astonishing Visits in Dreams Worldwide—More Images of the Wise Old Woman Spirit
  • Chapter 7: Epilogue
  • References 

About the Author
Susan K Faron, PhD, is a psychologist and Jungian analyst and graduate of the Jung and von Franz Centre, Switzerland. She received her undergraduate degree from UC Berkeley, Magna Cum Laude, with high honors in psychology, Phi Beta Kappa. She completed her PhD at the California School of Professional Psychology. 
Dr. Faron has numerous academic honors and is a member of the California Psychological Association. Currently focused on the feminine wisdom archetype, she began her research in 1983 exploring adult development. She has lectured at the San Francisco Analytical Psychology Club and presented internationally in other forums.
The heart of Dr. Faron’s work is through private practice, in which she specializes in dreams and their spiritual direction. Susan, mother of six, grandmother to nine, is convinced the real-life experience of the Wise Old Woman spirit serves as foundation for the loving eros and vital emptiness needed in the world today.

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The Shadow and the Problem of Evil:  Five Examinations Edited by Murray Stein

Announcing the release of
The Shadow and the Problem of Evil: 
Five Examinations

Edited by Murray Stein

The Shadow And The Problem Of Evil: Five Examinations is a captivating and thought-provoking journey into the hidden recesses of the human psyche. Through a Jungian perspective, it offers insights into the nature of evil, the symbols that represent our shadows, and the profound impact of these hidden aspects on society and our ethical choices. It’s a must-read for those seeking a deeper understanding of the human condition and the challenges we face in the modern world.

Murray Stein’s opening chapter, “The Shadow and the Problem of Evil,” explores the fundamental question of the shadow’s connection to evil and Mary Tomlinson introduces the intricate ways the shadow manifests symbolically in our psyche in “Symbols of Shadow and Evil.”

“The Atom Bomb and the Collective Confrontation with Evil,” examines how collective experiences, like the atomic bomb, force society to confront the shadow on a grand scale. “Paranoia: The Madness That Makes History” uncovers how paranoia shapes historical events.

In “The Shadow and the Search for a New Ethic” Henry Abramovitch and Stein ponder the ethical implications of recognizing and integrating the shadow into our lives. Brigitte Egger’s final chapter, “Human Shadow Revealed by the Ecological Crisis,” explores how the ecological crisis serves as a mirror, reflecting our collective shadow and calling for a profound reevaluation of our relationship with the environment.

Also from Murray Stein 

Individuation Psychology:
Essays in Honor of Murray Stein
A Festschrift in Honor of
Dr. Stein’s 80th Birthday

Audiobooks Available 
 Volumes 1-5 of the Collected Writings of Murray Stein are now available as audiobooks.

Also Available in Print from Murray Stein
The Collected Writings of Murray Stein: Volume 1
 – Individuation

 The Collected Writings of Murray Stein: Volume 2 
– Myth and Psychology

The Collected Writings of Murray Stein: Volume 3
– Transformations

The Collected Writings of Murray Stein: Volume 4 
The Practice of Jungian Psychoanalysis

The Collected Writings Of Murray Stein: Volume 5
Analytical Psychology and Christianity

The Collected Writings Of Murray Stein: Volume 6
Analytical Psychology And Religion

The Collected Writings Of Murray Stein: Volume 7
The Problem of Evil

The Mystery of Transformation

Outside Inside and All Around: 
And Other Essays in Jungian Psychology

Four Pillars of Jungian Psychoanalysis

The Bible as Dream: A Jungian Interpretation

Men Under Construction: Challenges and Prospects

Map of the Soul – 7: Persona, Shadow 
& Ego in the World of BTS

In Midlife: A Jungian Perspective

Jung’s Treatment of Christianity: 
The Psychotherapy of a Religious Tradition

Practicing Wholeness

Solar Conscience Lunar Conscience

The Principle of Individuation: 
Toward the Development of Human Consciousness

Murray Stein, Ph.D. is a Training and Supervising Analyst at the International School of Analytical Psychology Zurich (ISAP-ZURICH). He is a founding member of the Inter-Regional Society of Jungian Analysts (1977) and of the Chicago Society of Jungian Analysts (1980). He was president of the International Association for Analytical Psychology (IAAP) from 2001 to 2004 and President of ISAP-ZURICH from 2008 to 2012. 

He has lectured internationally and authored countless papers and well over 45 books, including Jung’s Treatment of Christianity, In Midlife, Jung’s Map of the Soul, Minding the Self, Outside Inside and All Around and Jung’s Red Book for Our Time Volume 1 through 5 (co-edited with Thomas Arzt). 
He is currently preparing his Collected Writings, seven volumes of which have been published to date. He lives in Switzerland and has a private practice in Zurich and from his home in Goldiwil.

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November Book Spotlight – Prisms: Reflections on This Journey We Call Life

November Book Spotlight:
Prisms: Reflections on This Journey We Call Life

Paperback Original Price $26.95
On Sale for $19

James Hollis, Ph.D., explores the roadblocks we encounter and our on-going challenge to live our brief journey with as much courage, insight, and resolve as we can bring to the table.

Prisms: Reflections on the Journey We Call Life summarizes a lifetime of observing, engaging, and exploring why we are here, in service to what, and what life asks of us. 

These eleven essays, all written recently, examine how we understand ourselves, and often we have to reframe that understanding, the nature and gift of comedy, the imagination, desire, as well as our encounters with narcissism, and aging.

About The Author
James Hollis, Ph.D. Jungian Analyst, is the former Director of the Houston Jung Center and the Washington, D.C. Jung Society. 
He is Vice-President emeritus of the Philemon Foundation, author of numerous books, and a frequent public speaker. He lives with his wife Jill, a retired therapist and painter, and together they have three living children.

Also from James Hollis
Hauntings: Dispelling the Ghosts Who run Our Lives

The Broken Mirror: Refracted Visions of Ourselves

The Best of James Hollis: 
Wisdom for the Inner Journey

Coming Soon
Psychedelics and Individuation: 
Essays by Jungian Analysts
Edited By Leslie Stein & Lionel Corbett

Mind of State
Conversations on the Psychological 
Conflicts Stirring US Politics & Society
Edited by Betty Teng, Jonathan Kopp, Thomas Singer

Volume 9 of the Collected Works of 
Marie-Louise von Franz 
– C.G. Jung His Myth in Our Time

Our Uncertain World: 
Challenges and Opportunities in a Dark Time
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The Shadow and the Problem of Evil: 
Five Examinations
Edited by Murray Stein

The Wise Old Woman Spirit: 
Help as a Partnership
Open this book and enter the world of eros and, curiously, emptiness—two vital qualities of the Wise Old Woman spirit that can help us survive … possibly even thrive.

The Lost Coin: A Memoir of Adoption and Destiny

Individuation Psychology: 
Essays in Honor of Murray Stein

The Wizard, the Egg and Fitcher’s Bird: 
Returning Spiritual Life to Nature 
in the Individuation of Women

The Lion Will Become Man: 
Alchemy and the Dark Spirit in Nature-
A Personal Encounter 

Eternal Echoes: 
Erich Neumann’s Timeless Relevance to 
Consciousness, Creativity, and Evil – ZLS Edition

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