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Celebrating 40 years as the leading Jungian publisher!

February Book Spotlight!

Kant’s Dove: The History of Transference in Psychoanalysis

Paperback Original Price $21.95
On Sale for $13

The philosopher Emmanuel Kant speculated that a dove might think it would find flying easier without the encumbrance of air around it. He observed that such a bird would, of course, soon discover flight in a vacuum impossible.

Aldo Carotenuto here demonstrates that, like Kant’s dove, the analyst cannot exclude the transference and countertransference from the analytical field—that movement toward healing is not possible without the medium of relationship, created by the interacting personalities of analyst and analysand.

Carotenuto explores this subject in historical depth, reflecting on the development of depth psychology from its earliest beginnings in mesmerism and hypnotism. He invokes this history as evidence in support of the importance of transference and countertransference despite the long standing cultural stigma attached to deep relationships between doctor and patient. Finally, he defines the fine line to be walked in the deeply emotional, yet strictly verbal, interaction that must develop as a necessary requisite for effective therapy.

Available February 15 – 
Pre-order Today
The Alchemy Fire Murder: A Mary Wandwalker Mystery
The second book in Susan Rowland’s 
Mary Wandwalker Mystery Series!

New Releases
Women and Desire: Beyond Wanting to Be Wanted
Polly Young-Eisendrath´s Women and Desire: Beyond Wanting to Be Wanted was first published by Harmony Books in 1999. Since then, it has become a classic read for those readers– to use a cinematographic expression – who want to use analytical psychology to shed light on what women want. This book, when first published, was described (and still is) as “provocative and vital.”
This book is the second of the series titled Jungianeum: Re-Covered Classics in Analytical Psychology curated by Stefano Carpani.
Women and Desire

Pre-order Today! The Alchemy Fire Murder:  A Mary Wandwalker Mystery

Pre-order Today!
The Alchemy Fire Murder: 
A Mary Wandwalker Mystery
The second book in Susan Rowland’s
Mary Wandwalker Mystery Series!
Former Archivist Mary Wandwalker hates bringing bad news. Nevertheless, she confirms to her alma mater that their prized medieval alchemy scroll, is, in fact, a seventeenth century copy. She learns that the original vanished to colonial Connecticut with alchemist, Robert Le More. Later the genuine scroll surfaces in Los Angeles. Given that the authentic artifact is needed for her Oxford college to survive, retrieving it is essential.
Mary agrees to get the real scroll back as part of a commission for her three-person Enquiry Agency. However, tragedy strikes in Los Angeles. Before Mary can legally obtain the scroll, a young man is murdered, and the treasure stolen.
Murder and theft are complicated by the disappearance in the UK of a witch mysteriously connected to the scroll. While Mary’s colleague, Caroline, risks her sanity to go undercover in a dodgy mental hospital, her lover, Anna resorts to desperate measures. These, and Anna’s silence over blackmail, threaten the survival of the Agency.
Mary teams up with the victim’s brother to track the killer, and the real alchemy scroll. Solving crimes on two continents will involve a rogue pharmaceutical corporation, Janet the witch, the Holywell Retreat Center near Oxford, plus the trafficked women they support, a graduate school in California, and a life-threatening mountain-consuming wildfire.
Can these inexperienced detectives triumph over corrupt professors and racist attempts to rewrite history? Can they remake their fragile family? Will the extraordinary story of Robert Le More prove a source of hope for today?
Releasing February 15 from Chiron Publications

The Sacred Well Murders…

A simple job turns deadly when Mary Wandwalker, novice detective, is hired to chaperone a young American, Rhiannon, to the Oxford University Summer School on the ancient Celts. Worried by a rhetoric of blood sacrifice, Mary and her operatives, Caroline, and Anna, attend a sacrifice at a sacred well. They discover that those who fail to individuate their gods become possessed by them.

For the so-called Reborn Celts, who run the summer school, have been infiltrated by white supremacists. Could their immersion in myth be less a symbol for psychic wholeness and more a clue of their intent to engage in terrorist violence? Who better to penetrate their secret rites than an apparently harmless woman of a certain age?

Mary agrees to spy on the Reborn Celts, then learns, to her horror, of Anna’s passionate affair with the chief suspect, Joe Griffith. With Griffith also the object of Rhiannon’s obsession, Mary realizes too late that that these 21st century Celts mean murder.

The Reborn Celts draw Mary and her friends into three rites to summon their gods: at an Oxford sacred well, by the Thames on the way to London, and in Celtic London, where bloodshed will restore one of the Thames’ “lost rivers.”

Before the fatal night of the summer solstice, Caroline and Anna race to London seeking Mary, who has been kidnapped. Will she end as the crone sacrifice? Or will the three women re-make their detecting family, so re-constituting a pattern of archetypal feminine compassion?

About the Author…
Susan Rowland (PhD) teaches at Pacifica Graduate Institute and is the author of ten books on Jung, the feminine, literature and the arts. Her last (with Joel Weishaus) is Jungian Arts-Based Research and the Nuclear Enchantment of New Mexico (2021). 
For a decade Susan has been working on a project to examine feminine heroism as a way to cultural renewal. Her first novel, The Sacred Well Murders, was published by Chiron in 2022. The book explores marginalized women becoming involved in epoch-defining events that entail literal and symbolic violence. The Alchemy Fire Murder: A Mary Wandwalker Mystery, is the second in the series. 
Susan lives in southern California with poet, Joel Weishaus. Her website is:

Jung Society of Washington hosts four-part webinar with James Hollis!


 Register Today!

Jung Society of Washington hosts four-part webinar with James Hollis
So you don’t like poetry because it is intimidating? Trivial? Affected? Join the Jung Society of Washington for a four-part webinar with James Hollis. Quartet: Reflections on Life, Death, and the Troubles In-Between, a course with James Hollis. The course will be held on Wednesdays, February 1, 8, 15 and 22, from 7-8:30 p.m. (EST) via Zoom. This course will explore four poetic explorations of human perplexity: beginnings, love and hate, relationships, and end things.
Quartet: Reflections on Life, Death, and the Troubles In-Between, 
a course with James Hollis
Wednesday, February 1, 8, 15, 22, 2023
7-8:30 p.m. (EST)
via Zoom

Books by James Hollis

Hauntings – Dispelling the Ghosts Who Run Our Lives

What does life ask of us, and how are we to answer that summons? Are we here just to propagate the species anew? Do any of us really believe that we are here to make money and then die? Does life matter, in the end, and if so, how, and in what fashion? What guiding intelligence weaves the threads of our individual biographies? What hauntings of the invisible world invigorate, animate, and direct the multiple narratives of daily life?

In Hauntings, James Hollis considers one’s transformation through the invisible world—how we are all governed by the presence of invisible forms—spirits, ghosts, ancestral and parental influences, inner voices, dreams, impulses, untold stories, complexes, synchronicities, and mysteries—which move through us, and through history.

He offers a way to understand them psychologically, examining the persistence of the past in influencing our present, conscious lives and noting that engagement with mystery is what life asks of each of us. From such engagements, a deeper, more thoughtful, more considered life may come.

The Best of James Hollis
The Best of James Hollis: Wisdom for the Inner Journey is a collection of excerpts from his writings.
These selections, compiled by editor Logan Jones, span across his body of work from The Middle Passage (1993) to Prisms (2021) organized into different topics ranging from the psychological concepts of Carl Jung to the everyday tasks of our living and callings.

The Broken Mirror: 
Refracted Visions of Ourselves
The Broken Mirror: Refracted Visions of Ourselves explores the need to know ourselves more deeply, and the many obstacles that stand in our way. Also included is the chapter, Notes Toward a Personal Memoir:
“I never plan to write a memoir or an autobiography,
hence the key word ‘toward.’ So this essay is rather a processing of memories that keep coming to the surface, apparently because there is some serious affect attached,” James Hollis, The Broken Mirror.
The various chapters illustrate internal obstacles such as intimidation by the magnitude of the project, the readiness to avoid the hard work, and gnawing self-doubt, but also provide tools to strengthen consciousness to take these obstacles on. Additional essays address living in haunted houses, the necessity of failure, and the gift and limits of therapy.

Prisms: Reflections on This Journey 
We Call Life
Prisms: Reflections on the Journey We Call Life summarizes a lifetime of observing, engaging, and exploring why we are here, in service to what, and what life asks of us. These eleven essays, all written recently, examine how we understand ourselves, and often we have to reframe that understanding, the nature and gift of comedy, the imagination, desire, as well as our encounters with narcissism, and aging.

Hollis explores the roadblocks we encounter and our on-going challenge to live our brief journey with as much courage, insight, and resolve as we can bring to the table.

James Hollis, Ph.D.
James Hollis, Ph.D. is a Jungian Analyst in private practice in Washington, DC. Originally a Professor of Humanities, he is the former Director of the Houston Jung Center and the Washington, D.C. Jung Society. 
He is Vice-President emeritus of the Philemon Foundation, author of eighteen books, and a frequent public speaker. He lives with his wife Jill, a retired therapist and painter, and together they have three living children.

Museum of Fine Arts, Boston and Chiron book spotlight artist  Cy Twombly

Museum of Fine Arts, Boston and Chiron book spotlight artist 
Cy Twombly


Chiron Publications book, Naming the Gods: Cy Twombly’s Passionate Poiesis by Gary D. Astrachan, is very timely as a new exhibit, Making Past Present: Cy Twombly, has just opened at the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston.

Naming the Gods: Cy Twombly’s Passionate Poiesis concerns itself with the contemporary art work of Cy Twombly and his radically innovative and necessary forms of creating for our times as seen against the deep background of classical Greek mythology.

In particular, the two entwined figures and images of Orpheus, lyre player, lover and journeyer to the underworld, and Dionysos/Bacchus, god of wine, ecstasy and madness, are taken up as the two principal thematic leitmotifs which animate and overarchingly inform Twombly’s entire artistic oeuvre across all the mediums in which he worked, both literally and symbolically, from the early 1950’s until the last series of brilliantly colored paintings he made just before his death in 2011.

“Gary Astrachan literally gathers the reader up into an entrancing meditation on the transformative power of art to change our minds. His book evokes the healing poiesis of art and is a precious gift to our troubled and chaotic times.” –Murray Stein, Ph. D., author of The Mystery of Transformation

Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Cy Twombly: Making Past Present
January 14–May 7, 2023

Gary D. Astrachan, Ph.D., is a clinical psychologist and Jungian psychoanalyst in private practice in Portland, Maine. He is a faculty member and supervising and training analyst at the C.G. Jung Institutes in Boston and in Switzerland and lectures and teaches widely throughout North America, Latin America and Europe. He is a founding member of the C.G. Jung Center of Brunswick, Maine, and is also an independent curator of contemporary art installations and exhibitions. He is the author of numerous scholarly articles in professional journals and books and writes particularly on the relationship between analytical psychology and Greek mythology, poetry, painting, film, postmodernism and critical theory.


Join Dr. Steve Buser for these von Franz Events!

Join Steve Buser
 for these in-person von Franz Events
March 18, 2023 | 9am-4pm
with the C.G. Jung 
Institute of Chicago
and in-person or Zoom in Chapel Hill, North Carolina:
Archetypal Symbols in Fairytales: 
Introducing The Collected Works of Marie Von Franz
March 24, 2023 | 7:30 p.m. – 9:30 p.m. EDT
with the C.G. Jung Society of the Triangle
This two-day event will be on Zoom and also in person in Chapel Hill, North Carolina
March 25, 2023 | 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. EDT

Register today – Poetic inquiry: Working with Images

Register today – 
Poetic inquiry: Working with Images

In this course, poet, editor, literary/Jungian scholar and Chiron author Dr. Roula-Maria Dib will help you recognize how poetry can be a form of conversation with another medium of art, specifically the visual. This dialogue with images not only offers moments of transcendence and beauty, but it opens inner channels of understanding ourselves and the world, creating new modes of knowledge. Part theory, part application and workshopping, this course will lead you through a journey in which you will explore how the way and angle from which we contemplate and engage with images affects our writing about them.

This will be the first course of the recently launched London Arts-Based Research Centre, which will be a platform for scholars and creatives who are interested in taking online research and creative writing courses.

The online course will meet every Thursday from 
January 19-February 16, from 6:30-8:30 pm (GMT). 
A special 20% discount is available for those who register through Chiron. Please use the promo code LABRC20

Simply Being 
by Dr. Roula-Maria Dib


Simply Being is a celebration book of the various facets of life, its blessings, beauties, and challenges. 
Exploring the richness of our manifold existence seen through the many different lenses beyond the quotidian and the mundane, Roula-Maria Dib looks at the multifariousness of reality and nuances of the self with its different roles and experiences, peeking into the parallel worlds of myth, and art, which infuse our everyday life.

About Roula-Maria Dib

Roula-Maria Dib (PhD, Leeds) is a creative writer and literary scholar. Currently, she is a professor of English at the American University in Dubai, and editor-in-chief of Indelible, the university’s literary journal.

Her poems, essays, and articles have appeared in several journals. Her book, Jungian Metaphor in Modernist Literature, was published in March 2020. She is a member of the International Association for Jungian Studies, the Jungian Society for Scholarly Studies, and the British Association for Modernist Studies. The themes that pervade her work usually revolve around different aspects of human nature, ekphrasis, surrealism, and mythology.