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May Book Spotlight: Ensoulment: Exploring the Feminine Principle in Western Culture

May Book Spotlight:
Ensoulment: Exploring the Feminine Principle in Western Culture

Paperback Original Price $26
On Sale for $19.95
Ensoulment, a finalist in the Next Generation Indie Book Awards, is an encounter with young filmmaker Lorís Simón Salum as she struggles to explain the feminine, according to psychologist Carl Jung’s theories. 
She interviews authors and leaders including Dr. James Hollis, Dr. Abigail Disney, Rev. Dr. Serene Jones, Dr. Cynthia Eller and Dr. Anne Fausto-Sterling, amongst others, to broaden her perspective about what the feminine is and how it takes place in Western culture. What starts out as an attempt to make a film, ends in a search of meaning, belonging and the path back to her true self.

Coming Soon from
Chiron Publications
Depth Calls to Depth: 
Spiritual Direction and Jungian Psychology in Dialogue

Depth Calls to Depth: Jungian Psychology and Spiritual Direction in Dialogue draws on the author’s dual background as a certified Jungian analyst and psychologist as well as a spiritual director with a master’s degree in theology.

New Releases


The Collected Writings of Murray Stein: Volume 5 – Analytical Psychology And Christianity

This volume of the Collected Writings of Murray Stein contains the authors works on the topic of C.G. Jung’s personal relationship to his own religious tradition and his analysis and critique of Christian theology and practice. These were topics that preoccupied Jung’s mind during the entire course of his adulthood. The author argues that Jung’s constructive suggestions can be of assistance to Christianity in the 21st Century and beyond.

Being Found: Healing the Very Young 
Through Relationship and Play Therapy

The goal of the therapist is to find the child. When we have found the child, the child has also made an attempt at being seen. So there we are, face to face with the obstacles and disturbances between us.

The Diamond Heart – 
Jungian Psychology and the Christian Mystical Tradition

Two towering figures thread their way through this book: St Teresa of Avila, the sixteenth century Spanish Carmelite saint, writer and reformer and C. G. Jung, the founder of modern depth psychology. Through sharing fifteen key papers, chapters and talks written over nearly twenty-five years, the author draws on their writings to focus on, and explore, the interface and relationship between the Christian mystical tradition and Jungian, depth psychology.

Women and Desire: Beyond Wanting to Be Wanted
Polly Young-Eisendrath´s Women and Desire: Beyond Wanting to Be Wanted was first published by Harmony Books in 1999. Since then, it has become a classic read for those readers– to use a cinematographic expression – who want to use analytical psychology to shed light on what women want. This book, when first published, was described (and still is) as “provocative and vital.”
This book is the second of the series titled Jungianeum: Re-Covered Classics in Analytical Psychology curated by Stefano Carpani.

Jung’s Red Book for Our Time: Searching for Soul In the 21st Century – An Eranos Symposium Volume 5
The essays contained in this fifth and final volume in the series, Jung’s Red Book for Our Time, were delivered at the Eranos Symposium on “Jung’s Red Book for Our Time: Searching for Soul in the 21st Century,” held at Monté Veritá Conference Center in Ascona, Switzerland on April 28 – May 1, 2022. 
The papers contained in this volume are published in the order they were presented at the Symposium. They show a deep underlying coherence that was not consciously designed but rather seemed to obey a will of its own.

The Collected Writings Of Murray Stein: Volume 6 – Analytical Psychology And Religion
Analytical Psychology and Religion is the sixth volume of the Collected Writings of Murray Stein. It includes works on the Bible from a depth psychological perspective, the relationship between some Jungian concepts and religious doctrines such as Divine Providence and the human as imago Dei, and a reflection on the dialogical relationship between analytical psychology and religion.
Volume 5 of the Collected writings of Murray Stein – Jungian Psychology and Christianity – is currently in production and will be published later this year.

Volume 7 of the Collected Works of Marie-Louise von Franz: Aurora Consurgens

Chiron Publications is honored to publish the newly translated volumes of the Collected Works of Marie-Louise von Franz, one of the most renowned authorities on fairytales.

Aurora Consurgens, the rising sun, is a vision forged in the pseudo-Aristotelian tradition that became a cornerstone of medieval Church doctrine and the centerpiece of the Dominican and Franciscan traditions. While its authorship has been shrouded in mystery and controversy, Marie Louise von Franz furnishes ample evidence that this was a final work of Thomas Aquinas, a Doctor of the Church. His vision begins with an anima figure of the Sapentia Dei.

This medieval alchemical text is rich in symbolism and offers a glimpse into how unconscious contents can be understood through their interactions with the material world. Marie Louise von Franz places Aurora Consurgens squarely in the tradition of visionary spiritual writings similar to the visions of Hildegard von Bingen or John of Patmos. Aquinas’s visions and his final commentary on the Song of Songs appear to have been the result of a state of ecstasy into which he fell just before his death. Marie Louise von Franz excavates a psychological treasure from his work.

DSM-5-TR Insanely Simplified: Unlocking the Spectrums within DSM-5-TR and ICD-10
by Steven Buser & Len Cruz
The publication of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual Version 5 (DSM-5, 2013) and the more recent Diagnostic and Statistical Manual Version 5 – Text Revision edition (DSM-5-TR, 2022), together ushered in a major change to the field of mental health diagnosis. DSM-5-TR Insanely Simplified provides a summary of key concepts of the new diagnostic schema introduced in DSM-5 as well as the updated DSM-5-TR. It utilizes a variety of techniques to help clinicians master the new spectrum approach to diagnosis and its complex criteria.

    “A Gathering of Writings” : An interview with Murray Stein by Rob Henderson

    “A Gathering of Writings”
                   (An interview with Murray Stein by Rob Henderson)


RH:  Your Collected Works are being  published. How did you decide what to include?
MS: I must correct you, Rob. They are my Collected Writings, not Collected Works. Steve Buser, the co-owner of Chiron Publications, suggested this project, and I found it attractive as  an opportunity to bring together all my scattered pieces of writing into one place. Basically, this will be a collection of everything  I have published in Jungian psychology. There is  no selection involved.
RH: When did you begin your writings and what inspired to have them published?    
 MS: Ever since junior high school I’ve taken pleasure in writing, although it took me quite a long time to gain enough skill to publish anything. That would begin in graduate school at Yale Divinity, when I first published a Jungian piece, a review of James Hillman’s little book, Insearch. A while later I worked for and with Jim at Spring Publications in Zurich and began publishing my own work in the annual Spring Journal. Jim also enlisted me as a translator of Karl Keréni’s book, Hermes, Guide of Souls and some other works. I have to thank Jim for his strong encouragement of me as a writer. I’ve been publishing works ever since leaving Switzerland in 1973. Now as I approach my 80th birthday this year, I look back and find quite a lot of writings in the long trail behind me. I have to give Jim Hillman credit for getting going on this path of becoming a writer. Writing was also his passion, and many people admire his elegant style if not always his ideas.
RH: What impact has writing made to your life? 
MS: I’d say, quite a large impact, Rob. First of all, writing has been a way for me to clarify my thoughts. This has brought me quite a lot of benefit. When I write, I ask myself: does this make sense? If not, I rewrite until I can understand my thought. That’s one impact, i.e., benefit, to me personally. It helps me to think clearly.  Second, I have received quite a lot of echo from my writings. People send me messages, sometimes critical, sometimes complimentary. Either way, I feel I have reached them. This gives me the feeling of being in contact with other thinking  minds. That’s an impact/benefit. Another impact has been recognition. In this field, the practitioner receives relatively little recognition, working as we do with people one at a time. Writing extends the range widely, and incidentally also brings new students into the field. Writing is a kind of megaphone. Of course, the nature of communications has changed dramatically in the course of time, and the impact of books and articles published in journals has declined while the impact of blogs and social media communications has exploded. I continue to prefer the written word, on the page, in the hand, but I fear I’m a fading minority. 
RH: Bringing all your Jungian writings together feels like a wonderful way to honor your 80th birthday. What are some of the things you have learned about yourself with this project?
MS:  It’s a work in progress, Rob. I’m a little more than halfway through, I believe, and I continue to ponder the question you ask. One thing I’ve realised is that all of my writing has been deeply contextual, that is, embedded in specific contexts. I’m not a writer who works out of pure scholarly interest or free imagination. I write for specific audiences and usually upon request. For example, my most widely read book is Jung’s Map of the Soul. The original impetus for this was a course I taught at the Jung Center in Evanston, Illinois as part of the educational program. At the time it occurred to me that the students were in need of what I announced as “a deeper view” into the basics of analytical psychology. The result was a series of lectures to a class of ten or twelve students. Afterwards, one of them said to me, why don’t you publish that? She told me that she had made a tape of the lectures and discussion and volunteered to transcribe the recording.I accepted her generous offer and worked from the transcription, and this is how the book came into being. It was the same story with In MidLife. First it was a series of lectures on  the midlife transformation process to students in Chicago and then in San Francisco. Jim Hillman heard about it and offered to publish the lectures as a book if I would write up my lecture notes. I did and this is how In MidLife came to be. As I look back on my writings over the years, I relive the history of the books and papers, and without exception I am addressing a specific audience. The result is that I am realising how important students and audiences have been in the creation of the body of work that I am calling my Collected Writings.


MURRAY STEIN, PhD, is a graduate of Yale University (1965), Yale Divinity School (1969), and has a doctorate from the University of Chicago (1985). In 1973, he received his diploma from the C. G. Jung Institute in Zürich. He had a private practice in Wilmette, Illinois, from 1980 to 2003, and was a training analyst with the C. G. Institute of Chicago. Since 2003, he has lived in Switzerland and is a training analyst with the International School of Analytical Psychology in Zürich (ISAPZurich). Murray is an ordained minister (retired) in the United Presbyterian Church. A founding member of the Inter-Regional Society of Jungian Analysts, he was also the first president of the Chicago Society of Jungian Analysts (1980–1985). He is a former president of the International Association for Analytical Psychology (2001–2004) and a former president of ISAPZurich (2008–2012). 

He is the author of several books, including The Principle of Individuation: Toward the Development of Human Consciousness, In MidLife: A Jungian Perspective, Transformation: Emergence of the Self, Jung’s Map of the Soul, Jung’s Treatment of Christianity: The Psychotherapy of a Religious Tradition, and Minding the Self: Jungian Meditations on Contemporary Spirituality, and he is the editor of Jungian Psychoanalysis. 

ROBERT HENDERSON is a Jungian pastoral psychotherapist, a poet, an ordained Protestant Minister  in Glastonbury, Connecticut. He and his wife, Janis, a psychotherapist, have had many interviews published in Psychological Perspectives, Quadrant, Harvest, Jung Journal: Culture & Psyche, and Spring Journal, and are the authors of the three-volume book of interviews conducted by email, Living with Jung: “Enterviews” with Jungian Analysts. Correspondence: 244 Wood Pond Road, Glastonbury, CT 06033. Email:

April Spotlight : The Wisdom of Sustainability

April Book Spotlight:
Wisdom of Sustainability: Buddhist Economics for the 21st Century

Paperback Original Price $21.95
On Sale for $14.95
The Wisdom of Sustainability: Buddhist Economics for the 21st Century by Sulak Sivaraksa continues E. F. Schumacher’s groundbreaking work on Buddhist economics in Small Is Beautiful: Economics as if People Mattered.

Coming Soon from
Chiron Publications
Depth Calls to Depth: 
Spiritual Direction and Jungian Psychology in Dialogue

Depth Calls to Depth: Jungian Psychology and Spiritual Direction in Dialogue draws on the author’s dual background as a certified Jungian analyst and psychologist as well as a spiritual director with a master’s degree in theology.

New Releases


The Collected Writings of Murray Stein: Volume 5 – Analytical Psychology And Christianity

This volume of the Collected Writings of Murray Stein contains the authors works on the topic of C.G. Jung’s personal relationship to his own religious tradition and his analysis and critique of Christian theology and practice. These were topics that preoccupied Jung’s mind during the entire course of his adulthood. The author argues that Jung’s constructive suggestions can be of assistance to Christianity in the 21st Century and beyond.

Being Found: Healing the Very Young 
Through Relationship and Play Therapy

The goal of the therapist is to find the child. When we have found the child, the child has also made an attempt at being seen. So there we are, face to face with the obstacles and disturbances between us.

The Diamond Heart – 
Jungian Psychology and the Christian Mystical Tradition

Two towering figures thread their way through this book: St Teresa of Avila, the sixteenth century Spanish Carmelite saint, writer and reformer and C. G. Jung, the founder of modern depth psychology. Through sharing fifteen key papers, chapters and talks written over nearly twenty-five years, the author draws on their writings to focus on, and explore, the interface and relationship between the Christian mystical tradition and Jungian, depth psychology.

Women and Desire: Beyond Wanting to Be Wanted
Polly Young-Eisendrath´s Women and Desire: Beyond Wanting to Be Wanted was first published by Harmony Books in 1999. Since then, it has become a classic read for those readers– to use a cinematographic expression – who want to use analytical psychology to shed light on what women want. This book, when first published, was described (and still is) as “provocative and vital.”
This book is the second of the series titled Jungianeum: Re-Covered Classics in Analytical Psychology curated by Stefano Carpani.

Jung’s Red Book for Our Time: Searching for Soul In the 21st Century – An Eranos Symposium Volume 5
The essays contained in this fifth and final volume in the series, Jung’s Red Book for Our Time, were delivered at the Eranos Symposium on “Jung’s Red Book for Our Time: Searching for Soul in the 21st Century,” held at Monté Veritá Conference Center in Ascona, Switzerland on April 28 – May 1, 2022. 
The papers contained in this volume are published in the order they were presented at the Symposium. They show a deep underlying coherence that was not consciously designed but rather seemed to obey a will of its own.

The Collected Writings Of Murray Stein: Volume 6 – Analytical Psychology And Religion
Analytical Psychology and Religion is the sixth volume of the Collected Writings of Murray Stein. It includes works on the Bible from a depth psychological perspective, the relationship between some Jungian concepts and religious doctrines such as Divine Providence and the human as imago Dei, and a reflection on the dialogical relationship between analytical psychology and religion.
Volume 5 of the Collected writings of Murray Stein – Jungian Psychology and Christianity – is currently in production and will be published later this year.

Volume 7 of the Collected Works of Marie-Louise von Franz: Aurora Consurgens

Chiron Publications is honored to publish the newly translated volumes of the Collected Works of Marie-Louise von Franz, one of the most renowned authorities on fairytales.

Aurora Consurgens, the rising sun, is a vision forged in the pseudo-Aristotelian tradition that became a cornerstone of medieval Church doctrine and the centerpiece of the Dominican and Franciscan traditions. While its authorship has been shrouded in mystery and controversy, Marie Louise von Franz furnishes ample evidence that this was a final work of Thomas Aquinas, a Doctor of the Church. His vision begins with an anima figure of the Sapentia Dei.

This medieval alchemical text is rich in symbolism and offers a glimpse into how unconscious contents can be understood through their interactions with the material world. Marie Louise von Franz places Aurora Consurgens squarely in the tradition of visionary spiritual writings similar to the visions of Hildegard von Bingen or John of Patmos. Aquinas’s visions and his final commentary on the Song of Songs appear to have been the result of a state of ecstasy into which he fell just before his death. Marie Louise von Franz excavates a psychological treasure from his work.

DSM-5-TR Insanely Simplified: Unlocking the Spectrums within DSM-5-TR and ICD-10
by Steven Buser & Len Cruz
The publication of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual Version 5 (DSM-5, 2013) and the more recent Diagnostic and Statistical Manual Version 5 – Text Revision edition (DSM-5-TR, 2022), together ushered in a major change to the field of mental health diagnosis. DSM-5-TR Insanely Simplified provides a summary of key concepts of the new diagnostic schema introduced in DSM-5 as well as the updated DSM-5-TR. It utilizes a variety of techniques to help clinicians master the new spectrum approach to diagnosis and its complex criteria.

Register Today for the Jungian Masters Series!

Register Today for the Jungian Masters Series


The Jungian Masters Series, a four-part lecture series, will revisit and reconsider the work of four seminal figures in the history of Jungian scholarship and research: Erich Neumann, Marie-Louise von Franz, Michael Fordham, and James Hillman. 
April 23, 2023: Erich Neumann
June 2023: Marie-Louise von Franz
August 2023: Michael Fordham
October 2023: James Hillman
Each module includes three lectures, reading material, and a live student seminar. Sponsored by the Centre of Applied Jungian Studies

The Collected Works of 
Marie-Louise von Franz
Volume 7
Aurora Consurgens
Aurora Consurgens, the rising sun, is a vision forged in the pseudo-Aristotelean tradition that became a cornerstone of medieval Church doctrine and the centerpiece of the Dominican and Franciscan traditions. While it’s authorship has been shrouded in mystery and controversy, Marie Louise von Franz furnishes ample evidence that this was a final work of Thomas Acquinas, a Doctor of the Church. His vision begins with an anima figure of the Sapentia Dei.
This medieval alchemical text is rich in symbolism and offers a glimpse into how unconscious contents can be understood through their interactions with the material world. Marie Louise von Franz places Aurora Consurgens squarely in the tradition of visionary spiritual writings similar to the visions of Hildegard von Bingen or John of Patmos. Aquinas’s visions and his final commentary on the Song of Songs appear to have been the result of a state of ecstasy into which he fell just before his death. Marie Louise von Franz excavates a psychological treasure from his work.

Volume 6
Niklaus Von Flüe And Saint Perpetua: A Psychological Interpretation of Their Visions
Volume 6 focuses on Saint Niklaus von Flüe, the patron saint of Switzerland, who was held in the highest esteem by both CG Jung and Marie-Louise von Franz. Jung even declared him the Patron Saint of Psychotherapy, due to the Saint’s deep inward reflections and profound experiences. His visions reportedly began while still in his mother’s womb and continued until his death. One of his later visions was a terrifying image of the face of God. Von Franz saw Niklaus as the shadow brother of Christ and wrote of him as the alchemical Anthropos, a universal man. His visions were an evolution of Christian mysticism.

Saint Perpetua was a young Christian woman put to death in 203 AD in the Roman arena at the age of 22. Her profound visions occurred days before her death. Von Franz penetrates these images, suggesting they were revelations of a new, Christian God-image breaking through from the collective unconscious into the animus of young Perpetua.

Marie-Louise von Franz is at her very best as she unravels the mysteries held within the visions of these two saints.

Volume 3 
The Maiden’s Quest

Volume 3 turns to the Maiden’s Quest within fairytales.

The maiden/heroine navigates a complicated maze of inner and outer relationships as she builds a bridge to the unconscious. The heroine contends with the animus in many forms like a devouring and incestuous father, demonic groom, the beautiful prince, an androgenous mother, a cold dark tower, and through conflict with the evil stepmother.

Dangers and pitfalls await her as the conscious feminine strives to make connections with the unconscious masculine. The maiden is the undeveloped feminine and the promised fruit of her struggle with the animus is the coniunctio. Volume 3 is a masterwork of cross-cultural scholarship, penetrating psychological insight, and a strikingly illuminating treatise. With her usual perspicacity and thoroughness, von Franz gathers countless fairytale motifs revealing a myriad of facets to the maiden’s quest.

Volume 2 – 
The Hero’s Journey
Volume 2 – The Hero’s Journey is about the great adventure that leads to a cherished and difficult to obtain prize. In these fairytales, the Self is often symbolized as that treasured prize and the hero’s travails symbolize the process of individuation. In its many manifestations, the hero embodies the emerging personality. “In the conscious world, the hero is only one part of the personality—the despised part—and through his attachment to the Self in the unconscious is a symbol of the whole personality.”

Von Franz’s prodigious knowledge of fairytales from around the world demonstrates that the fairytale draws its root moisture from the collective realm. This volume continues where Volume 1 left off as von Franz describes the fairytale, “suspended between the divine and the secular worlds (…) creating a mysterious and pregnant tension that requires extreme power to withstand.” The resistance of the great mother against the hero and his humble origins, as well as the hero freeing the anima figure from the clutches of the unconscious are universal archetypal patterns. The spoils retrieved by the hero symbolize new levels of consciousness wrested from the unconscious.

Volume 1 – 
The Profane and Magical Worlds
Volume 1 – Fairytales, like myths, provide a cultural and societal backdrop that helps the human imagination narrate the meaning of life’s events. The remarkable similarities in fairytale motifs across different lands and cultures inspired many scholars to search for the original homeland of fairytales. While peregrinations of fairytale motifs occur, the common root of fairytales is more archetypal than geographic. A striking feature of fairytales is that a sense of space, time, and causality is absent. This situates them in a magical realm, a land of the soul, where the most interesting things happen in the center of places like Heaven, mountains, lakes, and wells.

Register Today for the Jungian Masters Series

The Jungian Masters Series, a four-part lecture series, will revisit and reconsider the work of four seminal figures in the history of Jungian scholarship and research: Erich Neumann, Marie-Louise von Franz, Michael Fordham, and James Hillman. 
April 23, 2023: Erich Neumann
June 2023: Marie-Louise von Franz
August 2023: Michael Fordham
October 2023: James Hillman
Each module includes three lectures, reading material, and a live student seminar. Sponsored by the Centre of Applied Jungian Studies

The Collected Works of 
Marie-Louise von Franz
Volume 7
Aurora Consurgens
Aurora Consurgens, the rising sun, is a vision forged in the pseudo-Aristotelean tradition that became a cornerstone of medieval Church doctrine and the centerpiece of the Dominican and Franciscan traditions. While it’s authorship has been shrouded in mystery and controversy, Marie Louise von Franz furnishes ample evidence that this was a final work of Thomas Acquinas, a Doctor of the Church. His vision begins with an anima figure of the Sapentia Dei.
This medieval alchemical text is rich in symbolism and offers a glimpse into how unconscious contents can be understood through their interactions with the material world. Marie Louise von Franz places Aurora Consurgens squarely in the tradition of visionary spiritual writings similar to the visions of Hildegard von Bingen or John of Patmos. Aquinas’s visions and his final commentary on the Song of Songs appear to have been the result of a state of ecstasy into which he fell just before his death. Marie Louise von Franz excavates a psychological treasure from his work.

Volume 6
Niklaus Von Flüe And Saint Perpetua: A Psychological Interpretation of Their Visions
Volume 6 focuses on Saint Niklaus von Flüe, the patron saint of Switzerland, who was held in the highest esteem by both CG Jung and Marie-Louise von Franz. Jung even declared him the Patron Saint of Psychotherapy, due to the Saint’s deep inward reflections and profound experiences. His visions reportedly began while still in his mother’s womb and continued until his death. One of his later visions was a terrifying image of the face of God. Von Franz saw Niklaus as the shadow brother of Christ and wrote of him as the alchemical Anthropos, a universal man. His visions were an evolution of Christian mysticism.

Saint Perpetua was a young Christian woman put to death in 203 AD in the Roman arena at the age of 22. Her profound visions occurred days before her death. Von Franz penetrates these images, suggesting they were revelations of a new, Christian God-image breaking through from the collective unconscious into the animus of young Perpetua.

Marie-Louise von Franz is at her very best as she unravels the mysteries held within the visions of these two saints.

Volume 3 
The Maiden’s Quest

Volume 3 turns to the Maiden’s Quest within fairytales.

The maiden/heroine navigates a complicated maze of inner and outer relationships as she builds a bridge to the unconscious. The heroine contends with the animus in many forms like a devouring and incestuous father, demonic groom, the beautiful prince, an androgenous mother, a cold dark tower, and through conflict with the evil stepmother.

Dangers and pitfalls await her as the conscious feminine strives to make connections with the unconscious masculine. The maiden is the undeveloped feminine and the promised fruit of her struggle with the animus is the coniunctio. Volume 3 is a masterwork of cross-cultural scholarship, penetrating psychological insight, and a strikingly illuminating treatise. With her usual perspicacity and thoroughness, von Franz gathers countless fairytale motifs revealing a myriad of facets to the maiden’s quest.

Volume 2 – 
The Hero’s Journey
Volume 2 – The Hero’s Journey is about the great adventure that leads to a cherished and difficult to obtain prize. In these fairytales, the Self is often symbolized as that treasured prize and the hero’s travails symbolize the process of individuation. In its many manifestations, the hero embodies the emerging personality. “In the conscious world, the hero is only one part of the personality—the despised part—and through his attachment to the Self in the unconscious is a symbol of the whole personality.”

Von Franz’s prodigious knowledge of fairytales from around the world demonstrates that the fairytale draws its root moisture from the collective realm. This volume continues where Volume 1 left off as von Franz describes the fairytale, “suspended between the divine and the secular worlds (…) creating a mysterious and pregnant tension that requires extreme power to withstand.” The resistance of the great mother against the hero and his humble origins, as well as the hero freeing the anima figure from the clutches of the unconscious are universal archetypal patterns. The spoils retrieved by the hero symbolize new levels of consciousness wrested from the unconscious.

Volume 1 – 
The Profane and Magical Worlds
Volume 1 – Fairytales, like myths, provide a cultural and societal backdrop that helps the human imagination narrate the meaning of life’s events. The remarkable similarities in fairytale motifs across different lands and cultures inspired many scholars to search for the original homeland of fairytales. While peregrinations of fairytale motifs occur, the common root of fairytales is more archetypal than geographic. A striking feature of fairytales is that a sense of space, time, and causality is absent. This situates them in a magical realm, a land of the soul, where the most interesting things happen in the center of places like Heaven, mountains, lakes, and wells.

The Jungian Masters Series, a four-part lecture series, will revisit and reconsider the work of four seminal figures in the history of Jungian scholarship and research: Erich Neumann, Marie-Louise von Franz, Michael Fordham, and James Hillman. 
April 23, 2023: Erich Neumann
June 2023: Marie-Louise von Franz
August 2023: Michael Fordham
October 2023: James Hillman
Each module includes three lectures, reading material, and a live student seminar. Sponsored by the Centre of Applied Jungian Studies

The Collected Works of 
Marie-Louise von Franz
Volume 7
Aurora Consurgens
Aurora Consurgens, the rising sun, is a vision forged in the pseudo-Aristotelean tradition that became a cornerstone of medieval Church doctrine and the centerpiece of the Dominican and Franciscan traditions. While it’s authorship has been shrouded in mystery and controversy, Marie Louise von Franz furnishes ample evidence that this was a final work of Thomas Acquinas, a Doctor of the Church. His vision begins with an anima figure of the Sapentia Dei.
This medieval alchemical text is rich in symbolism and offers a glimpse into how unconscious contents can be understood through their interactions with the material world. Marie Louise von Franz places Aurora Consurgens squarely in the tradition of visionary spiritual writings similar to the visions of Hildegard von Bingen or John of Patmos. Aquinas’s visions and his final commentary on the Song of Songs appear to have been the result of a state of ecstasy into which he fell just before his death. Marie Louise von Franz excavates a psychological treasure from his work.

Volume 6
Niklaus Von Flüe And Saint Perpetua: A Psychological Interpretation of Their Visions
Volume 6 focuses on Saint Niklaus von Flüe, the patron saint of Switzerland, who was held in the highest esteem by both CG Jung and Marie-Louise von Franz. Jung even declared him the Patron Saint of Psychotherapy, due to the Saint’s deep inward reflections and profound experiences. His visions reportedly began while still in his mother’s womb and continued until his death. One of his later visions was a terrifying image of the face of God. Von Franz saw Niklaus as the shadow brother of Christ and wrote of him as the alchemical Anthropos, a universal man. His visions were an evolution of Christian mysticism.

Saint Perpetua was a young Christian woman put to death in 203 AD in the Roman arena at the age of 22. Her profound visions occurred days before her death. Von Franz penetrates these images, suggesting they were revelations of a new, Christian God-image breaking through from the collective unconscious into the animus of young Perpetua.

Marie-Louise von Franz is at her very best as she unravels the mysteries held within the visions of these two saints.

Volume 3 
The Maiden’s Quest

Volume 3 turns to the Maiden’s Quest within fairytales.

The maiden/heroine navigates a complicated maze of inner and outer relationships as she builds a bridge to the unconscious. The heroine contends with the animus in many forms like a devouring and incestuous father, demonic groom, the beautiful prince, an androgenous mother, a cold dark tower, and through conflict with the evil stepmother.

Dangers and pitfalls await her as the conscious feminine strives to make connections with the unconscious masculine. The maiden is the undeveloped feminine and the promised fruit of her struggle with the animus is the coniunctio. Volume 3 is a masterwork of cross-cultural scholarship, penetrating psychological insight, and a strikingly illuminating treatise. With her usual perspicacity and thoroughness, von Franz gathers countless fairytale motifs revealing a myriad of facets to the maiden’s quest.

Volume 2 – 
The Hero’s Journey
Volume 2 – The Hero’s Journey is about the great adventure that leads to a cherished and difficult to obtain prize. In these fairytales, the Self is often symbolized as that treasured prize and the hero’s travails symbolize the process of individuation. In its many manifestations, the hero embodies the emerging personality. “In the conscious world, the hero is only one part of the personality—the despised part—and through his attachment to the Self in the unconscious is a symbol of the whole personality.”

Von Franz’s prodigious knowledge of fairytales from around the world demonstrates that the fairytale draws its root moisture from the collective realm. This volume continues where Volume 1 left off as von Franz describes the fairytale, “suspended between the divine and the secular worlds (…) creating a mysterious and pregnant tension that requires extreme power to withstand.” The resistance of the great mother against the hero and his humble origins, as well as the hero freeing the anima figure from the clutches of the unconscious are universal archetypal patterns. The spoils retrieved by the hero symbolize new levels of consciousness wrested from the unconscious.

Volume 1 – 
The Profane and Magical Worlds
Volume 1 – Fairytales, like myths, provide a cultural and societal backdrop that helps the human imagination narrate the meaning of life’s events. The remarkable similarities in fairytale motifs across different lands and cultures inspired many scholars to search for the original homeland of fairytales. While peregrinations of fairytale motifs occur, the common root of fairytales is more archetypal than geographic. A striking feature of fairytales is that a sense of space, time, and causality is absent. This situates them in a magical realm, a land of the soul, where the most interesting things happen in the center of places like Heaven, mountains, lakes, and wells.


The Diamond Heart – Jungian Psychology and the Christian Mystical Tradition

Announcing the release of 
The Diamond Heart – 
Jungian Psychology and the Christian Mystical Tradition
Two towering figures thread their way through this book: St Teresa of Avila, the sixteenth century Spanish Carmelite saint, writer and reformer and C.G. Jung, the founder of modern depth psychology. 
Through sharing 15 key papers, chapters and talks written over nearly 25 years, author Julienne McLean draws on their writings to focus on and explore the interface and relationship between the Christian mystical tradition and Jungian, depth psychology.

Jung saw the human psyche as “by nature religious” and made this insight a principal focus of his explorations. In this regard, the book aims to explore an essentially depth approach to spirituality and numinosity relevant for todays’ largely post-religious situation. Jungian depth psychology, with all its own richness, can serve as an essential psychological foundation for, and bridge to, the Christian mystical tradition.

Over the past 1500 years, the Christian tradition of theologia mystica, or mystical theology, has flourished in particular communities and individuals with great transformative beauty, vitality and strength—like a mysterious, hidden river of Love overflowing into society, such as in sixteenth century Spain. Key to understanding the transmission of this tradition down the centuries has been the sixth century writings known as the Dionysian Corpus, written by Pseudo Dionysius the Areopagite. These writings have evolved over more than 1,000 years of interpretation and translation, being closely identified with the tradition of theologia mystica.

McLean believes, under different guises, we are in the midst of another flowering of theologia mystica in our own secular time. The unprecedented spiritual longing and emergency of our own times is fueling a strong need for the depth psychological tradition of Jungian psychology and the ancient tradition of theologia mystica to become more widely known, understood, practiced and lived. There is a wider evolutionary shift happening in our times—in the diamond heart of individuals, groups, nations and the global community. Something new and unprecedented is being born in our world today—we are not only in a new time, but a new era.

Julienne McLean practices as a psychologist, Jungian analyst and training supervisor in north London, as well as being a spiritual director and retreat conductor. She has been in private practice for nearly 30 years. She has had a lifelong involvement in the Christian contemplative tradition, with a particular interest in the relationship between modern depth psychology and theologia mystica.

She teaches on the Jungian Analytic Training for Qualified Psychotherapists, organised by A.J.A, London, at St Mary’s University, Strawberry Hill, London and Sarum College, Salisbury, where she is a Visiting Scholar in Christian Spirituality. Since 2018, she has been involved with the Centre for Applied Carmelite Spirituality (, teaching and tutoring on the Carmelite Spiritual Direction Training Programme. 

She has published many papers and is the author of Towards Mystical Union (St Pauls, 2003, 2013, 2017) a modern commentary on St Teresa’s classic text on prayer The Interior Castle.

Chiron News in April!

Chiron April Newsletter

#WUJ Webinars

#WUJ – With Ukrainian Jungians is into their second year of a remarkable series of seminars. The collaboration between non-Ukrainians and Ukrainians that started at a moment of crisis has focused and sustained the Jungian community’s engagement with the war against Ukraine for a year and counting, and continues to fulfil the central mission:

“to help alleviate trauma by standing alongside our Ukrainian colleagues; to help reduce stress by providing financial support to colleagues who are suffering considerable financial hardship due to the war; to use the resources of Analytical Psychology to sustain us all in these tumultuous times.”

The seminar series features prominent Jungian speakers from around the world presenting together with a Ukrainian colleague.

Upcoming Webinar Schedule:
April 25 | Lionel Corbett & Elena Pozdieieva | 
Jung’s Notion of the Self: An Emerging New God-image
May 16 | Murray Stein & Serhiy Teklyuk |
The Mystery of Transcendence Within – A Dream for Our Time

The Jung Association of Central Ohio will host Vladislav Šolc, co-author of Dark Religion: Fundamentalism from The Perspective of Jungian Psychology
April 29 
9:30 a.m. – 1 p.m. EDT
In person & on Zoom
Conspiracy Theories! What is it about those powerful energies? How can we understand this phenomenon or even talk about it? Conspiracy theories have been gradually occupying larger domains of cultural and political life. This presentation will take a symbolic perspective and offer a non-dismissive understanding of the reasons for strong adherence to conspiracy theories.


Roula-Maria Dib, PhD, author of Chiron’s Simply Being and director of the London Arts-Based Research Centre, invites you to participate in the 
following events:
-Poetic Inquiry: Working with Images
A Five-Week Online Course
April 6, 13, 20, May 4, 10
6 – 8 p.m UK
Roula-Maria Dib’s course on “Poetic Inquiry: Working with Images,” which focuses on some techniques used while writing her poetry book, Simply Being, will be offered again starting April 6. This course will help you recognize how poetry can be a form of conversation with another mediums.
Receive a 20% discount for this course using the code LABRC20 when registering. 
For more information and to register, visit 
-Poetry Workshop: Anthony Anaxagorou, “The Lyric Event”


Wednesday, April 5
5 – 8 p.m. (UK)

In this interactive online workshop with Anthony Anaxagorou, poets will delve into the mechanics of lyric poetry, in particular the Lyric Event.

Join the C.G. Jung Institute of Santa Fe
The Schizophrenia Complex: 
Feeling Our Way to a New Attitude
Presented by
Eve Maram, PSYD
In Person & Zoom
Friday, April 14
7 – 9 p.m.
Mountain Time
Saturday, April 15
9 a.m. – 1:30 p.m.
Mountain Time
The Friday evening lecture and Saturday workshop unpack the ideas from Eve Maram’s book, The Schizophrenia Complex, which focuses on the thoughts and feelings constellated by encounters with the phenomenon called schizophrenia.

New Release from Chiron Publications
The Collected Writings of Murray Stein: Volume 5 – Analytical Psychology And Christianity

This volume of the Collected Writings of Murray Stein contains the authors works on the topic of C.G. Jung’s personal relationship to his own religious tradition and his analysis and critique of Christian theology and practice. These were topics that preoccupied Jung’s mind during the entire course of his adulthood. The author argues that Jung’s constructive suggestions can be of assistance to Christianity in the 21st Century and beyond.

Being Found: Healing the Very Young
Through Relationship and Play Therapy

The goal of the therapist is to find the child. When we have found the child, the child has also made an attempt at being seen. So there we are, face to face with the obstacles and disturbances between us.

Coming Soon
Depth Calls to Depth: 
Spiritual Direction and Jungian Psychology in Dialogue

Depth Calls to Depth: Jungian Psychology and Spiritual Direction in Dialogue draws on the author’s dual background as a certified Jungian analyst and psychologist as well as a spiritual director with a master’s degree in theology.

The Diamond Heart – 
Jungian Psychology and the Christian Mystical Tradition
Two towering figures thread their way through this book: St Teresa of Avila, the sixteenth century Spanish Carmelite saint, writer and reformer and C. G. Jung, the founder of modern depth psychology. Through sharing fifteen key papers, chapters and talks written over nearly twenty-five years, the author draws on their writings to focus on, and explore, the interface and relationship between the Christian mystical tradition and Jungian, depth psychology.