At Home in the World:
Sounds and Symmetries
of Belonging
Now Available
Chiron Publications is pleased to announce the release of
At Home In The World: Sounds and Symmetries of Belonging. Part of the Zurich Lecture Series and previously published by Spring Journal, this work offers a profound philosophical and psychological exploration of the multi-dimensional significance of home and the interwoven themes of homelessness and homesickness and contemporary global culture.
Home is a particular dwelling place, as a cultural or national identity, as a safe temenos in therapy, and as a metaphor for the individuation process are analyzed expertly from multidisciplinary perspectives and, more poignantly, through the sharing of diverse narratives that bear witness to lives lived and endured from memories of homes lost and regained.
“With much pleasure and enthusiasm I warmly recommend this extraordinary book to the receptive reader. Written in a colorful, poetic style, John Hill sensitively explores the multi-faceted meanings and experiences at home which is characterized as a womb of many stories and rightly compares to a many-storied house. His elaborations on this theme are psychologically nuanced, extensive, rich in perceptive based upon his lifelong involvement and interest in this topic and lectures he has given about it for over 20 years. Not exclusively focusing on the collective and popular idealization of home, he acknowledges and explores the dark shadows that home also evokes for many of us. A rich feast for the imagination awaits the reader interested in home and all of its many associations.”
Mario Jacoby, Ph.D., ISAPZürich training analyst and author of Individuation and Narcissism and The Analytic Encounter
Table of Contents
1. Introduction
2. My Own Home
3. Preserving a Cultural Context
4. Transient Spaces: Between the Languages of Containment and Reflection
5. Developmental Perspectives
6. Homecoming: A Metaphor in Therapy
7. Homes of Fate, Homes of Destiny: Individuation and the Transcendent Function
8. Lost Homes, Lost Nations
9. Ireland: Contemplating a Nation from a Place of Exile
10. At Home in a Global Society?
11. Traversing Cultural Boundaries
12. A Many-Storied House

About the Author
John Hill, M.A., is a graduate of the C.G. Jung Institute of Zürich, where he served for many years as a training analyst and lecturer. In private practice in Zürich and a training analyst of ISAPZURICH, he received degrees in philosophy at the University of Dublin and Catholic University, Washington, D.C.
He has lectured internationally on the theme of home for more than twenty years and is also a leading Jungian expert in the field of Celtic mythology.

Also available with
Zürich Lecture Series Cover
At Home In The World:
Sounds and Symmetries of Belonging
is Volume 6 of the
Zürich Lecture Series.

Other Zürich Lecture Series Volumes
Volume 5 – A Story of Dreams, Fate and Destiny
Erel Shalit “calls attention to the dream and its images along the nocturnal axis that leads us from fate to destiny.” He takes us on a journey from ancient history, beginning with the first documented dream, that of Gilgamesh, to Adam and Eve and the serpent, to Joseph in Egypt as the Pharaoh’s dream interpreter, through ancient Greece to the Asklepion, to Swedenborg’s visions, to our world today through the eyes of Freud, Jung, and science, and finally to the process of active imagination to reveal the workings of Mercurius and the transcendent function.

Volume 4 – Creativity:
Patterns of Creative Imagination as Seen Through Art
We don’t know where creativity comes from. Is it inspired from above? Welling up from below? Picked up from the air?
This book by Paul Brutsche does not claim to reveal this secret. It does not attempt to reduce creativity to a “nothing but,” for example to explain it as a special ability of certain creative individuals with special abilities. On the contrary, it is about exploring the fullness and variety of this amazing power, which is the basis of all cultural, artistic, scientific and spiritual activity of man, without attributing it to a simple cause.

Volume 3 – Reading Goethe at Midlife:
Ancient Wisdom, German Classicism & Jung
This book by Paul Bishop reveals the remarkable symmetry between the ideas and Jung and Goethe. Jung’s analysis of the stages of life, and his advice to heed the “call of the self,” are brought into the conjunction with Goethe’s emphasis on the importance of hope, showing an underlying continuity of thought and relevance from ancient wisdom, via German classicism to analytical psychology.

Volume 2 – ‘Two Souls Alas’:
Jung’s Two Personalities and the Making Of
Analytical Psychology
Co-Winner of the International Association for Jungian Studies
Second Annual IAJS Book Awards Program
In his memoir, Memories Dreams Reflections, Carl Jung tells us that, as a child, he had the experience of possessing two personalities. ‘Two Souls Alas,’ by Mark Saban, is the first book to suggest that Jung’s experience of the difficult dynamic between these two personalities not only informs basic principles behind the development of Jung’s psychological model but underscores the theory and practice of Analytical Psychology as a whole.

Volume 1 – Where Soul Meets Matter:
Clinical and Social Applications of
Jungian Sandplay Therapy
Eva Pattis Zoja explores the psyche’s astonishing capacity and determination to regulate itself by creating images and narratives as soon as a free and protected space for expression is provided. A variety of examples from analytic practice with adults and from psychosocial projects with children in vulnerable situations illustrate how sandplay can be used in different therapeutic settings.