March Book Spotlight:
The Symbol of the Dog in the Human Psyche –
A Study of the Human-Dog Bond

Paperback Original Price $21.95
On Sale for $14.95
Published by Chiron in 1990, this volume is a study of the human-dog bond. It is a study of the history of dogs as companions to the human race, their roles in mythology and religion, and their appearance in dreams.
Woloy, an analyst who works with a dog present in her office while seeing patients, explores the unique and often healing relationships between dogs and people.

Coming Soon from
Chiron Publications
The Collected Writings of Murray Stein: Volume 5 – Analytical Psychology And Christianity
This volume of the Collected Writings of Murray Stein contains the authors works on the topic of C.G. Jung’s personal relationship to his own religious tradition and his analysis and critique of Christian theology and practice. These were topics that preoccupied Jung’s mind during the entire course of his adulthood. The author argues that Jung’s constructive suggestions can be of assistance to Christianity in the 21st Century and beyond.

Depth Calls to Depth:
Spiritual Direction and Jungian Psychology in Dialogue
Depth Calls to Depth: Jungian Psychology and Spiritual Direction in Dialogue draws on the author’s dual background as a certified Jungian analyst and psychologist as well as a spiritual director with a master’s degree in theology.

Being Found: Healing the Very Young
Through Relationship and Play Therapy
The goal of the therapist is to find the child. When we have found the child, the child has also made an attempt at being seen. So there we are, face to face with the obstacles and disturbances between us.

The Diamond Heart –
Jungian Psychology and the Christian Mystical Tradition
Two towering figures thread their way through this book: St Teresa of Avila, the sixteenth century Spanish Carmelite saint, writer and reformer and C. G. Jung, the founder of modern depth psychology. Through sharing fifteen key papers, chapters and talks written over nearly twenty-five years, the author draws on their writings to focus on, and explore, the interface and relationship between the Christian mystical tradition and Jungian, depth psychology.

New Releases
The Alchemy Fire Murder: A Mary Wandwalker Mystery
The second book in Susan Rowland’s
Mary Wandwalker Mystery Series!

Women and Desire: Beyond Wanting to Be Wanted
Polly Young-Eisendrath´s Women and Desire: Beyond Wanting to Be Wanted was first published by Harmony Books in 1999. Since then, it has become a classic read for those readers– to use a cinematographic expression – who want to use analytical psychology to shed light on what women want. This book, when first published, was described (and still is) as “provocative and vital.”
This book is the second of the series titled Jungianeum: Re-Covered Classics in Analytical Psychology curated by Stefano Carpani.

Jung’s Red Book for Our Time: Searching for Soul In the 21st Century – An Eranos Symposium Volume 5
The essays contained in this fifth and final volume in the series, Jung’s Red Book for Our Time, were delivered at the Eranos Symposium on “Jung’s Red Book for Our Time: Searching for Soul in the 21st Century,” held at Monté Veritá Conference Center in Ascona, Switzerland on April 28 – May 1, 2022.
The papers contained in this volume are published in the order they were presented at the Symposium. They show a deep underlying coherence that was not consciously designed but rather seemed to obey a will of its own.

The Old Prostitute and Other Stories
by Manisha Roy
Manisha Roy shares her love of writing in this collection of over 20 short stories.
The stories of this collection were written over a span of several decades beginning in 1985 and ending in 2022. A few of them were translated by Manisha Roy from her mother tongue, Bengali. Despite the geographical and other contextual differences, the narrative shifted and at times translated itself as if the author traveled easily between different landscapes—both external and internal.

The Collected Writings Of Murray Stein: Volume 6 – Analytical Psychology And Religion
Analytical Psychology and Religion is the sixth volume of the Collected Writings of Murray Stein. It includes works on the Bible from a depth psychological perspective, the relationship between some Jungian concepts and religious doctrines such as Divine Providence and the human as imago Dei, and a reflection on the dialogical relationship between analytical psychology and religion.
Volume 5 of the Collected writings of Murray Stein – Jungian Psychology and Christianity – is currently in production and will be published later this year.

The Schizophrenia Complex by Eve Maram
Jungian analyst Eve Maram’s The Schizophrenia Complex focuses on the thoughts and feelings constellated by encounters with what we call schizophrenia, for those who experience symptoms, and for those others impacted by them. To do so, Dr. Maram had to face her own fear, denial, resistance, and ultimate not knowing. The events inspiring her were beyond her control and rearranged her life without her permission.

Breaking The Spell Of Disenchantment: Mystery, Meaning, And Metaphysics In The Work Of C. G. Jung
One of the most powerful narratives gripping scientists, intellectuals, and the general culture in Europe during the early decades of the twentieth century was that the world had become disenchanted: stripped of genuine mystery, lacking inherent meaning, and unrelated to any spiritual or divine reality. In Breaking the Spell of Disenchantment, Roderick Main examines various ways in which C. G. Jung’s analytical psychology, developed during this same period, can be seen to challenge that dominant narrative.
This is Volume 8 in the Zurich Lecture Series Collection.

Volume 7 of the Collected Works of Marie-Louise von Franz: Aurora Consurgens
Chiron Publications is honored to publish the newly translated volumes of the
Collected Works of Marie-Louise von Franz, one of the most renowned authorities on fairytales.
Aurora Consurgens, the rising sun, is a vision forged in the pseudo-Aristotelian tradition that became a cornerstone of medieval Church doctrine and the centerpiece of the Dominican and Franciscan traditions. While its authorship has been shrouded in mystery and controversy, Marie Louise von Franz furnishes ample evidence that this was a final work of Thomas Aquinas, a Doctor of the Church. His vision begins with an anima figure of the Sapentia Dei.
This medieval alchemical text is rich in symbolism and offers a glimpse into how unconscious contents can be understood through their interactions with the material world. Marie Louise von Franz places Aurora Consurgens squarely in the tradition of visionary spiritual writings similar to the visions of Hildegard von Bingen or John of Patmos. Aquinas’s visions and his final commentary on the Song of Songs appear to have been the result of a state of ecstasy into which he fell just before his death. Marie Louise von Franz excavates a psychological treasure from his work.

DSM-5-TR Insanely Simplified: Unlocking the Spectrums within DSM-5-TR and ICD-10
by Steven Buser & Len Cruz
The publication of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual Version 5 (DSM-5, 2013) and the more recent Diagnostic and Statistical Manual Version 5 – Text Revision edition (DSM-5-TR, 2022), together ushered in a major change to the field of mental health diagnosis. DSM-5-TR Insanely Simplified provides a summary of key concepts of the new diagnostic schema introduced in DSM-5 as well as the updated DSM-5-TR. It utilizes a variety of techniques to help clinicians master the new spectrum approach to diagnosis and its complex criteria.